Eileen’s narrow shoulders slumped. “Fine. But I’ll be the only one in school tomorrow who doesn’t know what happened. Your only niece, the one who loves you, will be completely left out of the discussions about Jensen Ackles. I’ll be ostracized by my peers, but don’t let that worry you. I’ll probably get over it after years of therapy. . . .”
Maggie grinned. “Any seventh grader who can use the word ostracize in a sentence is already standing out in a crowd. I’ll risk it.”
“Fine.” How Eileen managed to look disappointed and haughty all at once was a mystery, but she managed. When she slammed her bedroom door for emphasis, Maggie just chuckled.
“God, ‘normal’ is such a great thing,” Maggie murmured.
Determined to push Culhane and everything else out of her mind, Maggie focused on some stupid reality show playing on television. As she paid attention, she told herself that TV was really sinking to a new low. Had they completely run out of ideas? This show was supposed to be about a woman choosing her mate from a group of gorgeous demons.
“Oh, please. What a stupid gimmick. Demons? Who believes this shit?” She punched the button on the remote and stabbed it so hard the damn thing splintered in her hand. “Perfect.” Now she was stuck watching the show because she was too lazy to get up and change the channel by hand.
But after a few minutes even Maggie was interested. Apparently set in La Sombra, a town in northern California, the show featured some truly gorgeous “demons.” As she watched, her mind started wandering back to earlier that day. If these guys were demons, then maybe what she’d seen in Joe’s office was one, too. Seriously challenged on the attractiveness meter, but . . .
Was it possible? Were there actually demons out there?
A second or two later she laughed at herself. “Come on, Maggie, demons? What’s next? Bachelor vampires?”
“Vampires wouldn’t show up on television.”
The air rippled in front of her, blurring her view of the television set. Before she had time to worry that she was being struck blind, though, the blurry effect ended and Culhane was standing there in all his leather-covered glory. So much for normal.
“We will talk now.”
“You have got to stop doing that.” Maggie jumped off the couch, but instead of landing she just kept on going up and up and . . . “Hey!”
She looked down and saw that she was actually floating. “Ohmigod.” Already a few feet off the floor, she pinwheeled her arms frantically, trying to get back down where she belonged. That didn’t work, though, and she probably looked like she was doing the backstroke or something. Stomach churning, throat tight, her gaze flashed to her own personal pain in the butt. He was smiling.
The bastard.
“Are you doing this to me? Because if you are, this is not funny.”
“I’m not the one doing it.” One jet-black eyebrow lifted. “Your power is growing.”
“Power? This isn’t power. This is floating. I don’t want to float. I want to stand.” Not entirely true. What she wanted to do was lie down with an ice bag on her head and a glass of wine close at hand.
Instead she was still rising. This couldn’t be good. Looking down at Culhane, her sleeping dog and the living room, she idly noted that she really needed to vacuum. And dust. Especially the top of the entertainment center. Good God .
“Get me down from here.”
“I think not,” he said, sitting on the couch, where she’d been only a moment before. Stretching out his incredibly long legs, he rested them on the coffee table and crossed his feet at the ankles. Beside him Sheba the Wonder Dog slept on.
Maggie looked around desperately for something to grab onto so she could lower herself to the floor. But she’d waited too long. Now there was nothing within reach, and as her head bumped the ceiling, she winced and glared down at the man below her.
“If you’re ready to
Justine Dare Justine Davis