so,” the viscount replied. “It is her sole interest. That, and certain men . She will not prevent me from marrying, Johnny, when I find the right girl, and I believe I have. It is my duty to have an heir. I know it would please my father.” He fixed his eyes on his companion. “I must be introduced to Lady India Lindley, Johnny. Do you know any of the family?”
“I have an acquaintance with her brother, Henry Lindley, the marquis of Westleigh. My little estate borders his holdings at Cadby. If he is here, I suppose I might presume upon him. He has a good nature.” Lord Summers swept the Great Hall with his mild gaze. “Ahh, there he is! With his stepfather, the duke. Come along, Adrian. This is as good a chance as we’ll get, I think.”
The two men made their way across the large chamber which was filled to overflowing with the court. The marriage contract having been read, the king had gone into a nearby chamber to dine, and the queen had retired to her apartments. This left the courtiers to mill about, visiting and gossiping with and about each other.
When they had reached the area where the duke of Glenkirk stood speaking with his stepson, Lord Summers stopped, and waited to catch Henry Lindley’s eye, saying when he did, “I came to pay my respects, my lord, and to introduce you to my friend, Viscount Twyford, who, having seen your sister, Lady India, tells me he will perish if you do not introduce them.” Lord Summers grinned in friendly fashion at the marquis of Westleigh, who was three years his junior.
“Introduce me to these gentlemen, Henry,” the duke of Glenkirk said. He took in the measure of the two young men before them.
“Lord John Summers, Father. His estate borders mine. We have sometimes hunted together when I have been at Cadby,”Henry Lindley said. “And this is his friend, Viscount Twyford.”
“Do you have a name, young man?” the duke of Glenkirk demanded.
“Adrian Leigh, sir. I am the earl of Oxton’s son, and heir.” He bowed to James Leslie and the young marquis.
“And you wish to meet my stepdaughter, sir? To what purpose?” the duke inquired fiercely.
A tinkle of laughter greeted his words as the duchess of Glenkirk, overhearing, turned and took her husband’s arm. “Do not be such a ninny, Jemmie. Viscount Twyford would appear to me to be a fairly respectable young man, and India is a beautiful young girl. To what purpose indeed.” She laughed again, then said, “Henry, take both these gentlemen and introduce them to India.” Then she lightly touched Adrian Leigh’s arm. “You are respectable, sir, are you not?”
“Aye, madame, I am,” he said boyishly.
“Then go along with my son, my lord,” Jasmine instructed him.
The trio hurried across the hall again, this time headed for India, who stood with another young girl chattering. She smiled at her brother’s approach, holding out her hand to him.
“Henry.” She quickly looked at her brother’s two companions, and then directly at her brother.
“Mama says I may introduce these gentlemen to you, India.”
“But I recognize Lord Summers,” India said, smiling prettily at him. “You hunt with Henry at Cadby, don’t you?”
“I did not know you had seen me, mistress, as we have never been formally introduced until now,” Lord Summers said, bowing to India.
“How could I fail to notice so handsome a gentleman,” India said coquettishly, tossing her head just slightly.
“God’s blood!” the girl next to her swore.,
“Fortune!” India looked scandalized. “She is my younger sister, and has never been out in society before,” India excused her sibling. “She will never, I fear, behave properly.”
“Is flirting outrageously with a man you’ve just met proper?” Fortune demanded.
India flushed. “I am not flirting! I was being polite.”
Fortune snorted.
Henry Lindley laughed. “Sisters,” he said, effectively dismissing them both as silly creatures. “India, if you are
Stormy Glenn, Joyee Flynn