Beast Machine
wrong,” stated
Gora calmly.
    Owlbert and Hitbear stared
at one another in confusion. “What could she mean that they were
both right and wrong?” each thought.
    “ The reason I brought both
of you back into existence is because you each have immeasurable
strengths: Owlbert with science and Hitbear with military tactics.
You’re not supposed to work against one another, but work together to form something truly
stunning, magnificent and gnarly for us to put to use against my –
erm – our enemies!”
    “ Pardon me, Gora,” said
Hitbear, “but why did you not select one of America’s war generals?
Like George Patton, Theodore Roosevelt, Omar Bradley, Robert E. Lee
or the always venerable George Washington? There’s a litany of
others to choose from in America’s young existence. You may draw
deep ire if anyone finds out I am in your employ.”
    “ Ja, I must agree vith zee
bear; vhy did du select us vhen there vere at least equal or better
choices from America? I vorked vith so many American scientists
during the – is it declassified yet, frau?” questioned Owlbert.
Gora nodded. “I vorked vith countless talented American scientists
during zee Manhattan Project! Vhy not them, Gora?”
    “ Not to mention the
incalculable military strategists through time from around the
Earth!” said Hitbear. “Attila the Hun, Tamerlane, Napoleon
Bonaparte, and Genghis Khan to name a few. I’d even toss in Joan of
Arc since she was a remarkable inspiration, despite her being
    “ Ja und Marie Curie,
Nikolai Tesla, Thomas Edison, und Archimedes to name ein few
scientists too!” said Owlbert quickly.
    “ Khan would have been the
most apt choice over me, to be honest, and I’m pretty fucking good
wi-,“ said Hitbear.
    “ Except that debacle in
Russia,” quipped Owlbert. He giggled loudly.
    “ Shut up, turkey brains,”
glared Hitbear. He swatted his paw toward Owlbert, but missed as
Owlbert bounced away swiftly. “Tell us, Gora, why us? What makes us
special to you ?”
    Gora did not want to
express her feelings directly to the two historical figures, now
mostly beast, the reasons she had them re-created. She knew there
were better options for military strategy than Hitler, and no one
would have blamed her if she selected Sir Isaac Newton over Albert
Einstein, but she knew she chose them for a reason. She was pitiful
with explaining these sorts of things – her emotions. Yet those
emotions frequently strangled her mind.
    “ I selected you both, over
your equals, because I know you two can get the job done with the
proper resources and proper support,” Gora said. She moved closer
to both of them putting her hand on each. “Hitbear, aside from a
mishap here and there, your military strategy was nearly perfect
and you had to plan against multiple fronts! You were put in a
high-pressure situation – mainly because of your cruel intentions,
however – and you nearly succeeded. It’s incredible how far your –
shameful, disgusting, inhumane – empire grew. That is beside the
point, though.
    “ Patton and Bradley would
have been excellent selections, but I knew they, even reincarnated,
would not have wished to join me in exacting revenge on my
tormentors. Do you think those generals would want to seek revenge
against Americans? I think not.”
    Gora tossed back her hair
then put it into an unkempt bun. It had become grimy and matted
from not taking a shower in over a week. Her body and mind were a
mess and now she was in the middle of explaining why she decided to
revive the existence of these two prominent historical figures. The
beasts waited patiently for Gora to continue.
    “ I, also, can only
insert legitimate photographs of humans into the Beast Machine, not drawings,
painting, or the like – yet. The limitations of the Beast Machine
are particular and purposeful. I imagine the only people that would
be able to work this machine are in this lab right now, so if it
did happen to fall into the

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