tall glass of wine.
“Here. Have some wine.” Bernadine scooted a glass towards me. “Why don’t you get comfortable and take your coat off?”
I eyed them just as much as they were eyeing me.
We all picked up our wine and took a sip, each of us trying not to stare at the other.
“Okay, enough of this.” Ginger set her glass on the counter. Sean appeared out of nowhere and stood beside my friends. “What is wrong with you, Holly? You go to Sean’s and take money. Then you go to Flora’s acting like you committed some big crime. After you left Flora, she called Sean who jumped in his truck to find you because Flora was worried sick that you were going to pass out at the wheel Then he turned around and followed you to the bead shop where you went to Cheri’s apartment for God knows what. Then you end up here.”
“Even though we are divorced, I still care about you.” Sean said in a pathetic attempt to be sympathetic.
I broke down and cried like a baby. I buried my head in my hands, my shoulders bounced up and down as I cried.
“It can’t be that bad.” Flora rubbed my back. “The Divas can fix this.”
I looked up. All of them were staring at me like I needed to be in a padded room.
“I lost a Yellow Spinet. A customer’s Yellow Spinet.” I muttered through broken English.
“A what?” Sean’s face curled.
“A spit who?” Flora’s eyes crossed.
“No!” Bernadine’s hand flew to her mouth as she gasped.
I nodded. Her reaction confirmed the severity of the situation.
“Who gave you a Spinet?” Bernadine’s eyes lit up like the shiniest stars in the sky.
“Marlene Dietrich.” I sobbed.
“That’s not her real name. I knew there was something funny going on with that women.” Ginger spouted. “She’s evil and Willow knows it.”
Oh, God. Willow.
I looked at my watch. It read 8:00. Willow had been at the cabin, by herself for over two hours. I’ve never left her alone that long.
“I’ve got to go get Willow at home.” I started to get up and Flora stopped me.
“Wait. What’s this about a Spinet?” She asked.
I explained what had happened and how she, Sean, Cheri and Bernadine was the only ones in or near the office. I even told her how I checked their houses looking for the pouch.
In true Diva style they weren’t mad at me, but assured me they would help me find it or figure it out.
“Let’s all meet at the shop early in the morning before it opens. It has to be there somewhere.” Bernadine said, making me feel somewhat better.
“I never thought I’d see the day we have a Diva meeting in the Swanee jail.” I shook my head. “Marlene is going to kill me.”
“Let her try.” Ginger fussed. “I’d like to have a reason to rip those skin tight clothes off her.”
“Can you do it when I’m around?” Sean laughed, but no one laughed with him. “Fine, I’m leaving. But can I have my eight dollars back?”
“NO!” The Divas yelled in unison.
Chapter Nine
A little more calm than before, I pulled the Focus up the cabin driveway. If I’d only gone to the Divas with this information first, we probably would’ve been to the shop and found it by now.
I was startled by headlights coming up the drive behind me.
I thought it was Sean, but it wasn’t. It was Marlene.
“Are you just getting home?” She was out of the car and up to my car door before I could get out. “It’s pretty late.”
“What are you doing here?” I asked, trying not to sound uncomfortable in front of her. But my nerves were on edge.
“Agnes needed some maple syrup for her pancakes in the morning and I ran into Jim at the store. He said something about the Divas getting together and told me where you lived. Plus, I wanted to discuss some design ideas for my Spinet.” Marlene continued to talk as we walked.
I didn’t even hear most of what she said, but I managed to get the gist of it.
“Willow?” I hollered inside the door. She always had to go pee when
Massimo Carlotto, Antony Shugaar