pointed to the percolating coffee maker on the counter in the kitchenette.
“That would be great.” I puffed some hot breath on my freezing hands.
“So what’s up?” Cheri handed me a mug.
The futon was already made out into a bed.
“I’m sorry. Did I disturb you?” I asked and nonchalantly looked around.
There was nothing there but a duffle bag with clothes sticking out of it. Just the futon with a cover and pillow, and the kitchen. There wasn’t any tables, drawers, or television.
“I was just reading.” She pointed to a stack of books sitting on the floor. “You really scared me though. I’m not used to getting visitors. I’ll be right back. I need to go to the bathroom.”
I smiled and took a sip of the coffee. It would be hard to hide anything in here, I thought, looking around the efficiency. Cheri had nothing. And I mean nothing.
I went into the kitchen to peek in the drawers. They were empty. No silverware, plates, or napkins. All she had was a coffee maker and a couple mugs.
“You’re lucky I didn’t genie you.” She yelled from the bathroom.
“Genie me?” I wondered if I heard her correctly.
She came out of the bathroom and laughed. “Yep. This.”
Cheri did some sort of move with her hands in front of her body. It looked like karate.
“I’m glad you didn’t.” I said. I doubt she’d hurt me. She’d have to go through the extra weight first.
“I take karate a couple nights a week. I’m so tired by the time I get home, I usually read then go to bed.” She sat down on the futon. “If I have homework, I generally do it before karate in my car.”
There was an odd silence that hung between us. I tried to think of something, but nothing was coming to me.
“So, what did you want? You aren’t regretting renting me the apartment, are you?” Cheri asked with a look of fear in her eyes.
“No, no. I. . .” I took another drink to buy some more time. “I wanted to know if you wanted to be an honorary Diva since you’ll be seeing me and the girls a lot. We’d love to have you.”
“Oh, okay.” Cheri smiled. “I’d love to. But you have to come to karate with me sometimes. You need to be able to protect yourself, Holly. Plus it’s great exercise.”
Yeah, that. Here comes the weight thing.
“Actually I do need to lose some pounds.” I pulled the elastic out and let it snap back in place. “I gained it after my divorce. Do you mind if I go to the bathroom before I leave?”
“No, go ahead.” Cheri said.
It was the last place I could look for the Spinet before I moved on to the final suspect’s house.
I locked the door and began to go through the medicine cabinet. Nothing but ginseng, red root, and tampons were in there. Nothing that resembled a pouch or anything yellow.
“Okay. I’m going home now.” I smiled and waved my hand.
“Is that what you really wanted?” Cheri’s curiosity was peeked. “I mean, I thought you left a couple hours ago. It could’ve waited until tomorrow.”
“No it couldn’t. I want you to feel welcome, that’s all.” I zipped my coat up and waved without saying goodbye.
If Ginger were here, she’d be able to read me like a book. I didn’t want to tell anyone that I’d lost the gem or that someone stole it. I had to get it back. And Bernadine’s house was on the way home.
No way.
I pulled into Bernadine’s driveway and noticed Flora’s car and Ginger’s car were both park out front. Were they having Diva meeting without me?
Did they really take the Yellow Spinet as a group effort? There was something going on and I was bound and determined to get to the bottom of it.
Bernadine met me at the door before I could even knock.
“I saw headlights. Come in, honey.” She wrapped her arms around my shoulders like a mother would do to her child. “Flora and Ginger stopped by.”
They were all sitting around Bernadine’s massive granite top island that sits in the middle of her kitchen. Each of them had a
Massimo Carlotto, Antony Shugaar