Be With Me

Read Be With Me for Free Online

Book: Read Be With Me for Free Online
Authors: C.D. Taylor
Tags: Suspense, Erótica, Romance, love, passion
someone to do the job, but as her will instructed it was my
    I took a hot shower and
dressed in a pair of tight jeans, emerald green silk top, and my
favorite pair of black peep toe pumps. I wasn’t sure where I would
go, but Tyler had my rental car delivered to the house so anywhere
was fine by me.
    After grabbing my purse I
locked up and headed out the door. I settled into the car, and
drove down the dirt road leading away from the hell
    After traveling for around
thirty minutes, I entered my small home town, and looked around for
someplace that would take my mind off of the events that I was
forced to live through during my unfortunate stay here.
    The town was small;
actually Podunk would describe it better. We only had one small gas
station…that was cash only, a post office, some restaurants, and of
course one bar. A drink sounded like heaven to me at that point so
I pulled into the parking lot and removed myself from the
    It wasn’t late by bar fly
standards, but there seemed to be a crowd gathering already at The
Angry Cow Saloon. What the fuck am I doing here !
    I would never be caught
dead in a place like this; it was dingy, smoky, and filled with
rough necks that looked like they just escaped the prison up the
road. Yuck!
    Of course entering the
establishment was quite an ordeal, the door shut loudly behind me
and I found myself being ogled by the cream of the crop of
loser-ville. As much as I wanted to turn the other direction and
run, the alcohol was calling my name something fierce.
    I made my way to the bar
itself and propped myself up on a ripped vinyl barstool. I reminded
myself to disinfect my ass after this trip, there was no telling
what sort of funk I was contracting my coming in contact with its
    “What can I get for ya?”
The scruffy man behind the bar asked.
    “Do you have a local
    Everyone around me began
to hoot and holler at my request. “Am I missing something?” I asked
    “Lady, you have two
choices…Whiskey and beer, what will it be?”
    “I guess I’ll go with
option number two.”
    He reached under the bar
and filled an oversized pilsner glass with a frothy brew. He
clunked it up on the counter in front of me and eyed me
    “You startin’ a tab?” He
    “Uh, sure why not.” I held
up my beer and saluted him with it.
    All eyes were on me. I
felt like a piece of prime cut steak and this room was full of
hungry canines. Normally that would have made my ego sing, but in
this place I felt filthy.
    Sitting alone in a strange
bar was not my idea of a good time, but I sat there quietly,
scrolling through my phone and drinking my alcohol.
    “Drinking alone?” A voice
beside me asked.
    I swiveled to the side on
the rickety stool, and came face to face with Tyler. Holy shit!
    “Looks that way.” I
    “Mind if I join you?” He
    “Sure, might as well have
someone to wallow in misery with.” I smirked.
    “And what sort of misery
would someone like you have today?”
    “All kinds…”
    “For someone so complex,
you sure are vague about everything.”
    “Me complex?”
    “Basically all women in
    “Oh so stereotyping the
female sex, is that something you do for fun or is that something
that just comes naturally to a Neanderthal like you?”
    “For fun.” His mouth
turned up in a half smile.
    I held up my glass to his
and clinked them together. “Well here’s to the female sex, may we
always be complex and the butt of many jokes.”
    “Here, Here!” The entire
bar cheered.
    Tyler let out a laugh that
for some reason affected parts of my anatomy, which had been
dormant for some time. His smile was infectious, and I wanted to
kiss those lips of his once more. Bad
idea .
    We sat and drank until the
room was spinning…well I did. Tyler could obviously hold his liquor
better than me.
    “So…how’s the fiancée?” He
    “Let’s see, he’s in
Bermuda, with God knows

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