Banished Love

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Book: Read Banished Love for Free Online
Authors: Ramona Flightner
Tags: Historical fiction, Romance, Historical Romance
responded, smiling, flashing a dimple in his left cheek, seemingly entertained by our visit. “I know your brother well,” he said. He continued to smile, watching me with a similarly intense gaze as his brother.
    I studied him. Tattered suspenders held up a pair of faded black trousers, the worn dark blue shirt’s sleeves rolled up to his elbows. No amount of polishing would make his shoes black. He wore no tie, vest or collar, and his shirt was slightly open at the neckline, revealing a small tuft of black hair. He appeared more casually dressed than any man I had ever seen. I tried not to stare at him, but his beauty and evident charm intrigued me.
    “Nice to formally meet you,” Gabriel said, interrupting my perusal of his brother. At that, I glanced over and met Gabriel’s eyes again. There remained a trace of humor in them, but, more than anything, I saw pain. He appeared to be doing his best to conceal the discomfort, but it was evident.
    I gentled my voice and addressed him. “Is there anything I can do to help?”
    He closed his eyes, preventing me from being further entranced by his piercing blue eyes.
    Richard spoke up for his brother. “He hates to admit it, Miss Sullivan, but he is in considerable discomfort.” Worry furrowed his brow. “I had thought he would be recovered by now, but he can still barely stand up without help, and he has terrible dizzy spells.”
    Gabriel spoke, interrupting Richard in a gruff voice. “Don’t exaggerate so, Rich. I’m fine. Just a little ache. Nothing time won’t heal. I’ll be back to work soon.”
    I looked from one to the other, unsure who to believe. I turned toward Lucas, but he remained determinedly silent. “Let me look at your head,” I entreated, then moved toward him, but he scooted his chair away.
    “Again begging your pardon, miss, I would rather you didn’t,” he said, eyeing me warily. I noted sweat on his brow, the clenching of his jaw. I reached out as though to feel his brow for fever but stopped myself in time, realizing it would not be proper. I stood stooped over him, studying him.
    “You are truly unwell,” I whispered. “Lucas, we must find a doctor,” I commanded, turning to look at Lucas, who rolled his eyes at me in apparent exasperation.
    “Oh, that won’t be necessary,” Richard blurted out, flushing.
    “I thank you for your concern, miss,” Gabriel gasped out, his gaze momentarily unfocused. “You have done your duty by ensuring I survived my…misadventure with you. I am sure you have much more important matters to fill your time.”
    I frowned at him, uncertain why he would refuse a doctor’s help.
    “Mr. McLeod,” I entreated once more, reaching out and gripping his hand. “I really believe you need to see the doctor.” I saw shock flit through his eyes as I took his hand. “Please let me call for one for you?”
    “No, miss, I’m sure I’ll be just fine,” he replied. “You’ve done your duty here. You can forget this last accident ever occurred.”
    “But, if you are in pain…” I continued, noting the exchange of uncomfortable looks between Richard and Gabriel.
    “I don’t want your charity, miss,” Gabriel muttered.
    I jerked, taken aback. I watched Richard kick Gabriel in the leg, and heard Gabriel grunt softly. I stood, moving toward Lucas. He glanced at me sharply and leaned over, hissing in my ear, “Doctors cost money, Rissa. And I doubt they could afford one.”
    “Well, then we should pay, as it was my fault,” I whispered back, glaring at Lucas and his blatant snobbery, wishing I could kick him in the shin as Richard had just kicked Gabriel.
    After a long pause and a deep breath, Lucas spoke up and said, “Yes, Rissa, let’s fetch the doctor and send him on his way here. When you are feeling better, Mr. McLeod, I hope you will return to the store to visit with my father.” At this, he nodded, nearly imperceptibly, first to Gabriel, then to Richard. He gripped my elbow, turning me in

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