
Read Balance for Free Online

Book: Read Balance for Free Online
Authors: Zahra Owens
kissed his hair, inhaled his scent, and found himself getting turned on again. He silently cursed himself for being so easy at such an inappropriate time. Nando didn’t need this now; he needed support and maybe a little compassion, not a horny man holding him.
    “Is that why you’re so negative about relationships?” Cooper asked softly.
    “I don’t ever want to hurt like that again.”
    “I promise I won’t try to kill myself.” Nando turned around inside Cooper’s embrace and wrapped his arms tightly around Cooper. Then he looked up as if something suddenly dawned on him.
    “You want to be dominated. You want a guy who’s in control. I can’t be that. I’m not strong enough.” He looked down as if he was ashamed of his admission.

    Balance | Zahra Owens

    Cooper chuckled. “It’s a fantasy, Nando. Everyone wants to experience their fantasies, but nobody wants to live them.
    I liked the Nando I saw in the club, but I also liked the Nando who was trying very hard to keep his shop open, and I like the Nando that just devoured me.” Nando moved away some but didn’t pull out of Cooper’s arms. “Bet you can’t stand the Nando who cried and broke down.”
    Cooper shrugged. “No, I pretty much like him too. He’s very human, and I like that in a guy.”
    “I made you top.”
    This time Cooper laughed. “No way. I may have been inside you, but I definitely didn’t top.” Nando smiled, looking like he got caught.
    Cooper caressed Nando’s face with his hand. “Yes, I like to be overpowered by my lover, but I’m quite happy topping.
    Then again, I rarely say no to bottoming. I just don’t get the chance that often. For some reason, guys always think I’m a top.”
    “And they think I’m a bottom. Which, of course, I am.”
    “You don’t bottom at the club,” Cooper stated more than asked.
    Nando shook his head. “I’ve fucked a few guys there. Not everyone comes for that, though. Some just want to be paddled or degraded.”
    Cooper shuddered theatrically.
    “I better leave,” Nando announced.

    Balance | Zahra Owens

    Just like earlier, Cooper pulled him back. “Don’t. It’s the middle of the night. I drove you here, and I don’t feel much like getting up and driving you back, and like you said, the shop isn’t the best of neighborhoods in the middle of the night. This is a big bed. Even if you want to sleep on your side of it, this is better than getting up. Surely.”
    “I don’t usually sleep over,” Nando murmured.
    Cooper didn’t think Nando was all that comfortable, but he remained in his bed, yet again staring at the ceiling.
    Cooper curled up next to him, staying close without touching him, hoping Nando wouldn’t feel threatened by it.

    NANDO felt Cooper sneak out of bed, but he pretended not to notice and feigned sleep. He never slept over because he didn’t like the confrontation with a one-night stand in the first morning light. If it hadn’t been for Cooper’s gentle plea to stay, he would have been at home, sleeping in his own bed. If he were honest with himself, Nando would have admitted that it felt good to sleep next to a warm body.
    Cooper was a beautiful if somewhat ordinary man, but a master in the power of persuasion. He’d been beyond patient with what Nando knew was a childish tactic of his to get the man to turn away from him, but Cooper hadn’t. Instead, Cooper had taken him home and then fucked him until Nando had seen stars.
    As soon as Nando heard the front door close, signaling that Cooper had left for work, he rolled over onto Cooper’s side of the bed and buried his face in Cooper’s pillow, Balance | Zahra Owens

    inhaling his scent. Maybe that was it. Maybe he just liked the way Cooper smelled? It was a clean smell with slightly musky overtones; nothing overt like cologne or strong aftershave, yet distinctively male. He’d smelled it the first time, at the shop, when he’d stood behind Cooper pointing out the fire escape at the

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