
Read Balance for Free Online

Book: Read Balance for Free Online
Authors: Kurt Bartling
hall , Michael had expect ed th e altercation .  As he also predicted , the par ty from the glass room relocate to the balcony to observe .  He grumbles to himself, “ So evaluation start s now.”
    He holds his ground , waiting for the aggressor to make his move.
    The ‘roider remains still, then smiles, looking past Michael.
    He knows before even turning around, the other Hispanic that went to the buffet , was not the only distraction.  Slowly, Michael half turns, find ing Rena in the grasp of the othe r soldier .   The ‘roider has his huge right arm around her waist , trapping her right arm between them , his left arm around her neck.  Standing behind this small female , t he large Hispanic is a head taller than his quarry.
    Then the unexpected occurs, Rena looking directly at Michael winks and smiles subtly .  Michael catches the gesture, confusing him for a moment , then turns back to face his challenger .
    As soon as Michael turns, Rena ’s right arm reaches down and grabs the man by the groin.  He lurches forward in pain, putting his weig ht on top of her.  She responds by snapping her head back, the crown driven into his nose, smash ing it instantly. As his head r e coils backward, she half turns her hips under him, stepping her ri ght foot back, behind his left , rotating her neck out of his grasp .
    With h is body weight mostly on top of her, u s ing his upward momentu m while still holding the man’s groin , she lift s up with all her strength. Then, s traight ening her back , she knocks the man further off balance.  F alling backward out of control, instincts take over and he releases her .  As the man’s body starts to move away, Rena drives her right kn ee up hard into the back of his hamstring.  Screaming in pain , he half- flips backward , onto the floor behind her, blood pouring from his broken nose.
    Rena’ s first act ion briefly distracts the large Hispanic standing before Michael, providing all the opening need ed.  Without seeing what ’s happening behind him , he hears the movement and reacts.  Stepping forward, Michael spin s his body clockwise and drops his hips low, at the same time, his right leg extends out in a sweeping arc, catching the large man just behind his right knee.  The big Hispanic’s leg swings up , like a chorus line dancer, t hrowing him off balance into the table behind him .
    Michael rights himself just in time to see the other two ‘roiders leap from their seats and run at he and Rena .  Grabbing a small pl ate from the table, he flip s it end-over-end straight up in the air . H e spins , catch es the dish mid-flight, continues his rotation and throws it like a saucer at one of the advancing men.  The plate soars off his hand so fast it ’s nea rly impossible to track, hitting the man in the center of his face .
    The soldier ’s head snaps back, and he crumbles to the floor .
    Michael turns to address the last ‘roider running at Rena.  A noise behind him alerts him to the first attacker regaining h is feet .   Before Michael has a chance to turn, Rena kicks a chair in front of her, sending i t careening across the floor toward the man bull rushing her.
    The charg ing aggressor , enraged, does n’ t see the chair slide beneath him, knocking his legs out from under him.   Trip ped , the soldier is launch ed out-of-control headfirst toward Rena.   L ike a bullfighter, s he pirouettes to the side, avoiding the wildly flaying mass as it crashes into the table behind them.
    “That is enough!” someone shouts above the chaos.
    Michael, Rena and the lone standing Hispanic turn toward the balcony.
    “Everyone return to your seats.  Someone pick up this mess.  Javier, help your team to the infirmary.” Still commands.
    Rena glances at Michael , exchanging knowing looks .  C autiously , they return to their table.
    The first attacker helps the man tripped by the chair.  The two of them carry the remaining two men out of the dining hall.

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