
Read Bactine for Free Online

Book: Read Bactine for Free Online
Authors: Paul Kater
training. You will be detained in your cabin until a new designation for your person is found. You are allowed to eat in the mess, provided you are accompanied by two people. You are free to mention two people, General Rudyer will decide if these are appropriate. Otherwise we will assign two people to you."
    Troy beamed. He had won. Pulling the string that was his uncle, who was married to the General's sister, had helped.
    "Daniel Zacharias, do you have any questions?"
    Daniel looked at the woman next to him, who was supposed to be his legal representative. She stared at the floor, not paying attention to Daniel. He sighed. This was not going to get him more than this, he knew. At least he wasn't kicked off base, or worse. "No, sir."
    "Thank you. That's all. This session is dismissed."
    That was it. Simple, clean and fixed.
    Troy got up and sauntered over to Daniel. His limp had miraculously disappeared. "I'm really sorry to witness this, Daniela," he whispered as he leaned on the table. "This takes away most opportunities to have fun. But you see, justice was served. I get commended for doing a good job and you barely missed the brig."
    Daniel's lawyer got up and walked away after picking up her things. She did not say a word.
    "I hope you will have learnt something from this, Troy," Daniel said. "I really do. But knowing you, that hope is in vain. Please, try not to kill too many people with your decisions."
    "Don't worry, Zacharias. You seem to forget your place." Troy stared Daniel in the eye, then walked off. Ludo was near, looking apologetically at Daniel for the last time. Then he walked off, following Troy.
    "I heard they may have found something for you, Daniel." Rhonda watched him eat. She was the one who had been agreed upon to accompany him. Burt was unacceptable, they had told him, as 'trainer O'Shaughnessy has better things to do'. They just wanted to keep Daniel away from all things Rebuilt, he was convinced of that. The other person with them was Chin-Ho, a regular human who worked in the kitchen and deemed not dangerous.
    "Oh?" Daniel was curious enough. He had been detained for a few weeks already and life was becoming so boring that he would have gladly gone out to rake the bare planetoid ground for a few hours a day. Rhonda had sources everywhere, he had noticed lately.
    "Nothing definitive yet. But rumour has it that there is something like active duty in the works for you." Rhonda spoke quietly so no one around would hear her. Using the built-in military band was prohibited when not on assignment, and also monitored when on base. "Less glamorous than star cruisers and stuff, also you'll be mostly on your own."
    That sounded intriguing to Daniel. Not so much to Chin-Ho, who was trying very hard to finish his game of electro-go. "When did you hear that?" Daniel asked.
    "This morning. I am-"
    "Daniel Zacharias?" A soldier in full uniform stopped at the table.
    "Yes," Daniel admitted.
    "Come with me."
    "Why? I haven't finished eating yet."
    "I just have orders to bring you to Captain Chambers, sir. Now." The soldier looked at Daniel. "I'm sorry about your food."
    Daniel shrugged. "Okay, I'll come with you. Are you sure that you alone are capable of getting me there?" He winked at Rhonda who grinned.
    "Yes, sir." The soldier did not catch the joke.
    Daniel got up and followed the soldier to the office of Captain Chambers.
    "Zacharias. Sit down, please." The captain was a friendly man, who came right to the point. "We have looked at your case, and decided that it is not possible to maintain your person here on base. Too much has happened. As you are well aware of?"
    Daniel nodded. That was an indisputable fact.
    "Good. We have found a request for security from a rather remote star system in NGC6637. I doubt you ever heard of that."
    "No, I haven't." Daniel knew a lot about the New General

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