
Read Awakening for Free Online

Book: Read Awakening for Free Online
Authors: Olivia Hayes
with all the strength I had. I remember looking into my mother's eyes, but they weren’t hers. They were black as night.
    “With one last attempt to save Jillian, I pulled with all my might. To my amazement she came with me, and we landed in a heap outside the gates. Jack was there and when he turned on his headlights we realized we were safe and we started crying hysterically and then laughing. With Jack’s help, Jillian and I got to our feet. We turned and looked toward the house. My mother was still there, behind the gates. Jillian and I stood there and looked at her for what seemed like forever, and then we climbed into Jack’s car and drove off, without ever looking back."
    I sat there quietly listening to a story more unbelievable than anything I had ever heard in my life.
    “Wow. You really had it rough.” I said.
    “Welllll ... I'm just kidding!" She laughed.
    "What? Oh my gosh Mom! You know I was totally freaking out!" I let out a huge sigh of relief. " Is any of that true?"
    " None of that spooky stuff is true. My mother wasn't a good mother by any means, but she didn't starve us or lock me in my room. Jillian did leave, but it was to go to college, and when she came back it was to take me with her after I finished high school. I know you've heard the house is haunted, but there's nothing scary about it. It's just old stories. "
    I tried to react, but couldn't find the words. Instead I asked another question.
    "Did you say that Jillian's boyfriend was named Jack?"
    "Yes, your father."
    "How is that possible?"
    “Well, we all lived together you know, and after Jillian died and we buried her your dad was distraught, and emotionally drained. I was too. They were very serious about each other, and we spent time consoling each other, formed a relationship of sorts and ended up falling in love. It was a rough time for both of us, and we felt terrible about it for a while, but your father was there and we were both alive, and knew we had to move forward. It's what Jillian would have wanted. She may not have expected that we'd move forward together, but I knew she would want us to be happy."
    “ I thought you met Dad at a party?
    "Well, technically I did. I had been to visit Jillian once while she was at school, and I met your dad then."
    I rolled my eyes at her.
    "So, after you two started a relationship what happened ?” I pressed.
    “We were married very young. Your father finished school and went to work at the company for his father. I got a job as a waitress and managed to save enough money to go to college. After I became a teacher we found out we were expecting you , so we bought our house. Then your brother came along and the rest is history."
    “Why did you decide to tell me all this now?”
    “Because I thought that it was time for you to know. We are going to be spending a lot of time out there in that house. God knows what we'll find when we get there. I knew you would have a lot of questions.”
    "Okay, but why the joke?"
    "I overheard Anne Marie trying to convince Eva that the house is haunted. I wanted to give them a little scare." She looked in the rearview mirror and smiled at my friends. "Plus, you need to lighten up a little."
    "No, I don't want to hear your excuses. I know Mark's death was a huge burden for you so young, and feeling deserted by Luke didn't help. I just want you to feel free to move on with your life. It's what Mark would have wanted for you. It's been two years, Caroline, and I know you still sleep with that ring on. I just don't think you're coping well, and I really think you need to open yourself up to living, and finding love again. Maybe a week in the low country will help you rediscover some of the person you were before."
    I really didn't have anything to say. She thought I was still clinging to Mark's memor y, and maybe I was. I knew in my mind that he wasn't coming back, but every time I had that dream he felt so real, like I could reach out and touch

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