Aurora Saga 2 Immortality for Life
is where I die.’
    He glanced each way along the corridor.
    ‘There’s nowhere to go, no way off this ship, this zoo!’

Chapter Four
    I can hear a voice! Zoren glanced quickly around. There it is again.
    ‘Hello, is there anyone there?’ he said.
    ‘Over here!’ the voice responded.
    Zoren focused on the nearby craft.
    The voice… It’s coming from there, he thought puzzled.
    He edged over to it, but there was no one inside.
    ‘Er… Hello!’
    A voice of a woman spoke to him from the speaker onboard the craft. ‘I think it’s time to leave this place. Do you need a lift? I don’t know about you, but I’m not going to die today inside this Polnozoo.’
    Zoren was taken completely by surprise.
    ‘What? I mean, yes! Do you know how to get me out of here, then?’
    ‘Yes, I have a way out of here. I suggest you get moving. Head for exhibit 350, but you only have five minutes before the Ukopi star consumes the Polnozoo ship.
    Exhibit 350?
    ‘Which... Which way?’ Zoren said, panicking, as he saw a ball of flames moving along the corridor in the distance.
    ‘Go back the way you came. You passed me,’ the woman’s voice replied.
    ‘I passed you? But I saw no one.’
    ‘I’m on a ship. That ship you looked at in exhibit 350.’
    ‘That was your ship?’
    ‘Yes, now get moving.’
    Zoren quickly returned to the spiral stairs and headed down towards the level below.
    He heard a loud roar, which seemed very near. The whole stairwell moved, causing him to lose his footing. He slipped on the stairway and fell a number of steps, almost twisting his ankle, but managed to grabbed hold of the rail to prevent him falling further.
    Damn! Come on, get up. Not far now.
    As he entered into the main corridor a floor below, he was suddenly aware of movement behind him. He turned to see two small animals, which were no larger than his hand. He watched them for a moment as they waddled along the corridor towards him on their two short legs. Their chestnut-coloured furry body blended with their head, which had no visible ears or mouth, and their large disc-like eyes stared at him from within the fur.
    Looks like some of the exhibits have broken out.
    An intense warm air was now rushing by him, indicating that the corridor was now open to space. He could hardly breathe, so had to take long deep drawn out breaths.
    Zoren arrived at exhibit 350. Through the window he saw the ship lifting away from the floor and he could hear the noise of large engines running. The ship’s landing legs disappeared inside the hull, while the scaffolding surrounding the front of the ship crashed to the floor.
    ‘How… How do… I get in?’ Zoren said, in between breaths. He desperately searched for a door.
    ‘Go to your left,’ the woman’s voice said from the craft in front of the window. ‘There’s a door. I’ll open it for you.’
    There was a click and a door in the distance sprang open.
    Zoren rushed towards it, but nearly tripped over one of the two animals he had seen.
    Get out of my way!
    They circled his feet, making it hard for him to move forward.
    Zoren stopped and looked down at them. They both sat at his feet gazing up into his eyes.
    They look so pitiful. They must know or sense I’m leaving this place.
    He felt a deep guilt inside, knowing that he was about to leave and they would most certainly die.
    I can’t leave them.
    He bent down and picked up one of them, then the next, cupping both of them with his hand against his belly. They stayed motionless gripping his clothes.
    Zoren entered the exhibit through the door.
    A cylindrical column descended from the belly of the ship in the distance. He ran straight over to it and without even a second thought, he entered. He was now inside a lift carrying him into the ship.

Chapter Five
    Zoren’s hearts pounded as the Pojin lift stopped and its door slid open. He stood staring out into a small light-grey room. Directly in front of him, in the centre of the room, was

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