Aurora Saga 2 Immortality for Life
distortion rushing towards him. He grabbed the side of the craft just before the corridor shook in its wake. Thunder echoed from all around him.
    Where do I go now? Zoren thought, as he looked hesitantly both ways along the passage. Wait, what’s that?
    To his left, he noticed an open door off the main corridor, through which he could see a spiral staircase.
    That’s not the sort of place visitors would go. He peered through the door. Voices! Where? They’re coming from up there.
    ‘Hello!’ he shouted.
    Zoren rushed up the stairs and at the level above, a door had just closed.
    He opened it.
    ‘Hello!’ he said repeatedly. On the other side of the door was another corridor. He entered it to find there was no one. He was at another ‘T’ junction.
    I definitely heard someone. Where did they go?
    ‘Anyone there?’ he shouted loudly. ‘Is someone there?’
    He frantically hurried a few metres down each corridor searching for any signs of movement.
    They must be around here somewhere?
    Zoren noticed some personal belongings scattered by a closed door. Why would those be there, unless… He moved with haste to the door. He could now hear the sound of a jet engine starting, which was quickly followed by four loud metallic thuds. The door shook momentarily and then the roar of the engine quietened.
    Zoren franticly tried to open the door by pressing some buttons on the panel adjacent to it. Finally, it opened to reveal a large room with at least twenty identical smaller doors. Above all of them, except one, were flashing red lights. The remaining door had a flashing orange light, which as he observed it turned red.
    ‘No!’ Zoren said and then ran to that door. He could feel the heat radiating from the other side. He banged his fist against its surface.
    Dejected and resigned to the fact that the only way to apparent safety had eluded him, Zoren ambled from the room back into the corridor. Opposite him, on the other side of the corridor was another short wide window of an exhibit. He despondently wandered over to it and gazed down into the exhibit, where there was a large blue forest of trees surrounding a yellow lake. Large flocks of blue birds circled in the sky.
    It looked so beautiful that he had to smile, and thought, It’s like another world in there. They look so calm, completely unaware of what’s happening around them.
    Zoren wiped his sweat drenched forehead with his sleeve. Why is it getting hotter in here? The temperature was now almost unbearable and Zoren was starting to find it difficult to breath. He could now feel a warm breeze passing by him.
    I don’t know what to do.
    Another explosion scattered the birds inside the room. The corridor moved violently, causing the window in front of him to crack. Within the exhibit, in the distance, trees started to topple and then a large hole appeared in the ceiling.
    ‘Oh my...!’ Zoren said, as the ceiling exploded outwards.
    He watched on in disbelief as the birds and their world disappeared before him. In ten seconds everything had been blown into space, leaving just the empty shell of the colossal exhibit room. He gulped. He felt an overwhelming need to run away and hide somewhere.
    An intense light suddenly filled the void, and Zoren had to close his eyes and turn away from the brightness to stop him being blinded. The whole corridor was lit up as if the window had become one massive light-bulb, and as he opened his eyes, for a brief moment, it seemed he was no longer alone, but as his eyes adjusted it became apparent that it was his shadow on the far wall. He felt the heat building on his back and moved away from the window down the corridor.
    That’s the light from a star, Zoren thought, as he attempted to look back towards the window. It’s very close. That’s why the temperature’s increasing so quickly. We must be heading into a star.
    ‘This is it then,’ he said out loud, as he drifted lethargically and aimlessly along the corridor. ‘This

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