
Read Atlas for Free Online

Book: Read Atlas for Free Online
Authors: Isaac Hooke
Tags: Science-Fiction
There were guys seated on either side of her. Chatting her up. Damn.
    Well, I was used to facing hurdles, and I never let some man-made obstacle stop me before.
    I'd made it this far, hadn't I?
    I walked down the main aisle, and crossed the empty seats. When I reached the last empty seat I continued forward, excusing my way past the recruits toward the girl. I felt my heart rate increase.
    She looked up at me questioningly as I came near. The guy just to her right was still talking, telling her a story about how he wrestled alligators or something on his ranch.
    "Excuse me," I said loudly. "You're in my seat."
    The guy looked up at me. He was a fairly muscular dude, not the type who would ordinarily back down when challenged. But he was on unfamiliar ground now, being given orders left and right by the people and robots around here, and I guess that put him in an obedient mindset because he got up right away.
    "Sorry about that," the guy said.
    I nodded politely.
    As I edged past him, he added, "Didn't know you were together."
    "We're not," the girl said right away.
    I smiled at the guy. "Yeah, I just had to use the bathroom." I quickly took his seat before he could change his mind.
    "Smooth move, big boy," she said.
    "Friends call me Rade." I extended my hand, keeping eye contact.
    She glanced at my hand, but didn't take it. Her lip curled slightly in amusement. "Sounds like some sort of insect repellent."
    I lowered my hand. "Maybe it is. But look on the bright side, insects won't touch you when I'm around."
    She smiled—a cute little dimple formed in one cheek—and offered me her hand. "I'm Shaw."
    I waited a few seconds before shaking her hand, not wanting to seem too eager. "Nice to meet you, Shaw."
    Her grinned deepened, as did those dimples. "Pleasure's mine. Us Navy types have to stick together."
    "We do."
    I glanced to my right and saw Alejandro and Tahoe sit down about seven places away from me, in the empty seats.
    "What branch of the Navy are you joining?" I said.
    I saw a warm twinkle in her eyes. "What rating you mean?"
    The twinkle became all-out mischievousness. "Are you sure you want to know? Not everyone can handle it."
    I shrugged. "Sure."
    She smiled. "Quartermaster. Also known as astrogator."
    I nodded as if I knew what that was. "Okay."
    "Always been a dream of mine to pilot starships," she continued, a little by rote, as if she'd been repeating that to people all day. "Going to faraway worlds and colonies is just a fun side benefit."
    "You know the government would pay you to go into space, right?" I said. "Girl like you? They'd be tripping over themselves to get you to the colonies."
    "Was that meant to be a complement?" she said.  "Or an insult?"
    "Just making conversation," I said.
    She frowned. "Like I'd ever agree to go to some far-flung colony world where there are seven men for every woman."
    "Why not? You'd get your pick of the litter."
    "Not my cup of tea. No thanks. I'd have to watch my back wherever I went. Besides, I don't want to be tied down, stuck in one place. As I said, I want to pilot starships, make something out of myself. Anyways, how about you? What rating are you aiming for?"
    "Special forces."
    She quirked an eyebrow. "MOTH?"
    I nodded. "If that's what they're called in the Navy."
    "I'm sorry to hear that." She smiled that sexy smile again. Though it was a bit wry this time.
    "What do you mean?"
    "You're going to be surrounded by men day in and day out. They don't allow women you know, not like in the Marines. You might as well go to one of the colonies. At least you'll have some women there."
    "Yeah, I don't know," I said. "It was kind of a last minute decision. Based on someone I saw in line."
    "I hope that someone wasn't me."
    "Not at all."
    Shaw looked at me appraisingly. "Well, good luck. Navy spec-ops training is supposed to be the hardest there is, bar none. It has the highest wash-out rate in the entire military."
    I nodded slowly. That prospect

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