Ascent: (Book 1) The Ladder

Read Ascent: (Book 1) The Ladder for Free Online

Book: Read Ascent: (Book 1) The Ladder for Free Online
Authors: Anthony Thackston
Tags: Science-Fiction
time to sleep. Two, in the Eatery. Lauren and Marvin just barely get through the unappealing food. Joe looks at the Boss who is too busy watching the entire room. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out the stone.
                Lauren sees it and immediately looks around to see if anyone else notices it. “What did you do? You’re gonna get thrown in the Ban for that.”
                “You did it,” Joe says.
                “Yeah, but I got caught before we got here. The further away from the box the more trouble you get into. Hide that thing.”
                “Shut it!” the Guard yells, not knowing who exactly is talking.
                “I don’t care about the Ban. That’s one day without having to sling mud,” Joe whispers defiantly.
                “Everyone halt,” the Boss calls out.
                Except for slowly closing his fist around the stone, Joe freezes.
                “Who’s missing?” the Boss continues.
                All of the kids look around.
    “Someone better answer me or it’s strikes for all.”
                The kids begin to murmur but no one has an answer.
                Lauren nudges Joe and points to a spot at one of the tables. There is space that is wider than the rest. Because of how packed the kids are in the Eatery, it’s obvious to see when someone is missing.
                “Who is it?” Joe asks, not really to anyone in particular. He’s more relieved that the Boss is not onto him. In the confusion, he puts the stone back in his pocket.
                The Boss looks at the guard and flicks his head toward the Junction. The Guard nods and runs out of the eatery.

    Chapter Six
                The Guard makes his way into the Junction and immediately heads toward the tunnel of the Bunks.
                He looks along the lower bed cut-outs only to find them empty. “Where are you?”
                He climbs one of the ladders and looks along the cut-outs to see they, too, are empty. “If I find you, you won’t like what happens next.”
                The Guard hops off of the bunk ladder, satisfied that the missing kid is not in the Bunks. He makes his way back to the Junction. His pace slows and he runs his hand along the rock wall of the tunnel as he nears the entrance. His hand moves up and down, letting some of the dirt crumble from the wall to the floor.
                At the entrance to the Bunks, the Guard closes his eyes and embraces the silence. He spends so much time guarding the Ladder and watching the kids come and go that the now empty space of the Junction is peaceful. Serene. If he could have it this way at all times, he would.
                The Guard opens his eyes and looks at the other tunnels before spotting someone lying at the foot of the Ladder.
                He smiles slightly. “Got the Sick, now, don’t you?” the Guard taunts as he walks slowly to the Ladder. “Too bad it’s just you and me. So close to the medical office and me without the knowledge to cure you. I just never learned how to use those needles.”
                The Guard arrives at the Ladder and gets a closer look at the body on the ground. The teenager has cuts and puncture wounds on various parts of his body. The Guard takes one step back but his eyes show a devious glare. He’s glad this happened.
                He kneels down and hangs his face over the boy’s. “You got what you deserve. I hope the rest of your friends try it, too-”
                The boy coughs, violently, startling the Guard back to his feet.
                “Well, we can’t have that, can we?” The Guard looks toward the Eatery before placing a gloved hand over the teen’s nose and mouth. “Don’t fight. Consider it a mercy. The only one you’ll

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