Anno Zombus Year 1 (Book 5): May

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Book: Read Anno Zombus Year 1 (Book 5): May for Free Online
Authors: Dave Rowlands
Tags: Zombies
us. I had never liked hospital beds before now and, honestly, I still don't, but after a couple of months of sleeping in cars and trucks and buses and the like, it was a nice change. I think all of us would have preferred our beds in the living quarters on the second floor, but involuntary test subjects could not be choosers.
    May 9thYear 1 A.Z.
Shortly after waking, we were fed once more, then told that we would be receiving a series of injections in a little while. I was not a fan of the two scientists that seemed to be running the show down here, but at least they didn't pretend they were doing this for any 'greater good', they knew full well they were probably dooming us to Death and probably mutation on top of that.
    We were strapped to the beds and told that there were likely to be some unpleasant side effects of the treatment we would be administered, then the pair left the lab. The Smart Couple came in next, with the pair of guards that we thought we might be able to trust. Smart Girl whispered to Apocalypse Girl for a long moment, the pair having quite a quiet discussion that lasted a good minute or two. Smart Guy told me that they've been ordered to take us to the lower levels once the treatments had been given to us. The guards told us that they could do very little to help right now, but should we survive the treatment, we might be able to fight our way through the Dead in the lower tunnels. They offered to help us punch through the barrier of walking, rotting corpses and find another way out of The Facility.
They left soon enough, leaving another pair of guards behind. These looked almost like The Major's pet gorillas' identical twins, except perhaps more imposing. Then the pair of scientists came back in, The Major following them. They injected Archer first, then Viking and Valkyrie. I couldn't bring myself to look when one of them stabbed a needle into Apocalypse Girl's arm. I was next, after her, then finally Sister. When she called The Major over after the scientists were done, he simply smiled his emotionless smile and pulled the scalpel out from his hand, where Sister had embedded it.
Unpleasant side effects was an understatement. Apocalypse Girl and Sister writhed in agony, stretching against their restraints in vain. Valkyrie's scream still echoed in my mind, if not the room any longer. She had passed out from the pain a while ago, and was twitching unconsciously in her slumber from time to time. Viking had tensed every muscle in his body and was sweating litres of fluid. Archer simply lay in his bed, though his skin had paled dramatically. I myself felt as though my blood were lava, flowing through my body, charring my insides.
I remember only flashes of my own experience, even bare hours after the event itself. When I came back to myself, I saw that the others were also regaining some measure of themselves. Viking had a sheen of sweat covering him, soaking his clothing, Valkyrie's eyes were red , not simply bloodshot, almost bleeding. Apocalypse Girl just looked exhausted, with a heavy undercurrent of terror still present. Without words I knew that terror was for our unborn child.
    Sister was moving, cutting into her restraints with the bloodied scalpel, trying to free herself. She had seen what I, and the rest, were only just noticing. Archer was dead. And beginning to move. Archer was Dead. Shit. She had managed to free the arm whose hand held the blade, swiftly moving onto the other. Dead Archer, meanwhile, had toppled his bed over in the direction of her own and was beginning to gnash his teeth in her direction.
    Sister wailed as Dead Archer's bed crashed into hers, knocking them both over. She cried out in pain as his teeth found her flesh, tearing out a small chunk of her right arm. Her left hand flew, scalpel first, deep into his head, killing the poor guy dead. Deader. Shit. She disentangled herself from her bonds and the carcass of our friend and came to me, cutting the straps

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