Anno Zombus Year 1 (Book 1): January

Read Anno Zombus Year 1 (Book 1): January for Free Online

Book: Read Anno Zombus Year 1 (Book 1): January for Free Online
Authors: Dave Rowlands
Tags: Zombies
humanoid looking targets and put them at various distances down the range.  The Twin was already teaching others how to shoot properly, some of them were finally beginning to show some real promise.  Fat Dealer came out to check on a few issues while we were training, and he told me that Farmer had given him detailed instructions on exactly how to care for cows and sheep, and Butcher was training up a couple of apprentices, including Junior.  The Kid had wanted to learn, but decided it might not be a good idea.  He didn't want to run the risk of tainting the meat he worked with.  That meant he spent most of his time either at the archery range or down by the river guarding the one weak spot in our defences.  The wall was progressing faster than expected, we now had a solid half-metre thick, one and a half metre high clay barrier halfway around our perimeter.  High enough for us to see and shoot over, and high enough that any Dead that get anywhere near the wall itself would have a great deal of trouble getting over it.  On the other hand, if needed, any of us could easily enough jump over it.  All we need now is a gate to the dirt track leading to the road and we're set.
“Just do me one favour,”  Fat Dealer said as he was leaving.  “Stay away from that young girl with the old farmer.  He doesn't like her talking to anyone, if you know what I mean.”  And he walked off towards Archer's shed.
Dinner was fucking amazing tonight.  Roast mutton was a rare treat in this age, and we all feasted like it was our last night on earth.  Farmer sneered at the dessert joint that Fat Dealer  rolled and passed around, refusing even to touch it in order to pass it onwards, and when his wife took it, put it to her lips and inhaled deeply, he snatched her by the arm and marched her off to the room they had been allocated to share.  Even though it was halfway down the barn, upstairs, and the door had been slammed shut behind them we could hear Farmer yelling.
I sighed, and stood heading upstairs to try and defuse the situation.  Apocalypse Girl and The Kid followed me.
In most normal circumstances I would have knocked, but in this instance I just walked through in time to hear the words “I'm sorry, Daddy” trickle out of the poor girls split lips.  I wasted no time at all, grabbing Farmer by his shirtfront.
“Listen,”  I told him.  “I don't give a flying fuck what you did at home, or before the Dead started coming back.  None of that shit matters now, the only thing that does is staying the fuck alive.  Whatever we do for relaxation here, is our fucking business.  Do you see any law enforcement?  Maybe you'd be a little more fucking relaxed if you joined us too, rather than judging and condemning us for it.  We welcomed you into our community you piece of shit and one of the few rules that you have to follow is being fucking polite and decent to everyone else here.  That includes her! ”  I pointed to his 'wife' “And it is my job to protect the people here.  That includes her too.  Protect the people,”  My finger shifted from his wife to his chest.  “From any and all threats.”  His face paled.
The Kid and Apocalypse Girl took Farmer's Wife out of the room.  I glowered at Farmer for a minute more, then followed them out.  We've been through too much shit with the Dead to have to deal with this.  Apocalypse Girl and The Kid were already downstairs making Farmers Wife a cup of tea, and to my amusement she was once more toking on the dessert joint.  As I had not myself gotten around to indulging, I headed on down as well.  Farmers Wife had just offered the next toke to The Kid, and was being told about the last time he shared a joint with someone.  She asked him to show her the bite, and he lifted his pants leg.  Indeed, it was hardly more than a scratch, yet there seemed something sinister about it

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