Angered Seasons: Volume Four (I Will Survive)

Read Angered Seasons: Volume Four (I Will Survive) for Free Online

Book: Read Angered Seasons: Volume Four (I Will Survive) for Free Online
Authors: Mireille Chester
Tags: Zombies, End of the world, apocolypse, mother nature, father time
he’s too close.” Another look revealed
another woman coming to join into the fight. “Johnny! Look out!” I
let off a shot and managed to take down the woman. John fell with
the weight of the man on his back.
    Brat finished biting through his Yellow Eye’s throat
and turned on the one who was now tearing at John.
    I started back into the house.
    “Get back up there!” bellowed Lane.
    I choked on a sob and pulled my bow. Somewhere behind
the house, Max and Glade had started up a blizzard. Large flakes
blew over the house and onto our balcony. The sudden temperature
drop caused the rain on our bodies to crystalize and my fingers
cramped around my bow.
    Jenny rubbed her hands together and blew on them, her
entire body shaking.
    I pulled back an arrow, my arms fighting the motion.
    “We’re coming up!” Lane shouted the warning as he,
Shawn, Grant and Jason turn toward the house.
    “Shawn!” Jenny screamed as her brother was knocked to
the ground by a gust of wind. Whichever of the brothers had thrown
it, it didn’t matter. Shawn hit the ground with a grunt and didn’t
have time to scream before his entire body froze over. Another gust
hit Grant, though this one didn’t turn anyone into ice. He
scrambled to his feet and kept coming.
    I pulled Jenny into a hug, her sobs shaking both of
    Lane burst through balcony doors and caught himself
on the railing as he slipped on the ice that now covered it. “Get
on the roof!”
    I glanced down and saw the pack of Yellow eyes, at
least fifteen of them, making their way into the house. Jason
boosted Jenny up and she gave me her hand as I followed. Next came
Grant, Lane, and finally, Jason.
    “You two stay back.” Lane held the hatchet up, ready
to hack away any part of a sprite that managed to show itself over
the edge of the roof.
    “Are you guys okay?” I tried to assess their injuries
while staying out of the way. Jason had a cut along his bicep,
another over his left eye, and I’d noticed he’d been limping.
Lane’s jeans were torn and he was bleeding. The whole left side of
his face was swollen.
    Grant glanced back, the split in his lip widening
with this grin. “We’re fine.” He wiped the blood away with a stiff
    I flexed my fingers, willing them to hang in there. I
silently begged Max to go back to tornadoes and thunderstorms.
    The house shook with the sudden force of an
earthquake. An earthquake! I’d lived in Prince Albert all my life
and I’d never felt an earthquake. I scrambled up the roof so I
could straddle the peak in case things got worse. Not that it would
matter, really. I didn’t think this house had been built to
withstand any kind of ground shaking.
    Jenny cried out and joined me.
    “Lane!” I watched as the men struggled to stay on the
edge of the roof. Under us, windows shattered and the house
    Max looked up at us his eyes wide. Glade took his
distraction to throw another gust of wind in his direction. The
younger of the two managed to deflect it with a blast of his own.
The swirl of snow and ice hit me in the chest. My breath left my
lungs with a sickening whoosh. I felt the house disappear from
under me and found myself free falling backwards. I stopped
abruptly, my body snagging on something thick, hard, and cold. I
felt the skin rip from my arm as I slid down whatever I’d hit. My
other hand reached back, hoping to stop my descent before there was
nothing left of my limb. The movement caused me to slip forward and
I was once again falling.
    The ground met me, unforgiving, and my legs gave out
with the impact. Somewhere in the wind, I heard Lane scream my
name. The pain rolled through me in waves and I struggled to stay
conscious. I had to move. The Yellow Eyes wouldn’t take long to
find me here. My eyes met Max’s and a strange calm came over me.
Even through the silver, I saw it. That look. The one we’d tried so
hard tame. I smiled and lay my head back down on the now snow
covered ground. Maxy

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