Angel's Halo: Guardian Angel

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Book: Read Angel's Halo: Guardian Angel for Free Online
Authors: Terri Anne Browning
I’d never felt this way in my life. She brought out a part of me that had lain dormant for twenty-nine years.
    If I were being honest I would just admit to myself that I loved that girl. While I was at it I should probably confess the same to her. But to put myself out there like that, to expose myself in such a way... it was new territory for me. I’d never been so vulnerable in my life and I wasn’t going to embrace the experience anytime soon.
    I had to do something, though. Had to show her that she meant more to me than what she thought. She had her head hard set on leaving me, and once she was out of my house—out of my bed—she would start putting even more distance between us until she completely forgot about me. Those feelings that she had for me right now, her caring about me? That would all fade with time until I was nothing but a memory to her.
    A growl left my throat, making Colt jerk back from where he was placing clean glasses on their racks beside of me. “Chill out, brother. I’m just doing my shit before heading home.”
    I scrubbed a hand across my face. “Yeah, sorry.”
    My little brother put the last glass in place. “So, how did Gracie’s first day of work go?”
    I clenched my jaw and didn’t answer him. My lack of answer had him chuckling. “No wonder you’re growling like a caged beast. Guess she’s ready to leave the nest. You poor fucker.”
    “Shut up,” I grumbled as I turned off the water in the sink and started to rinse it out to get rid of the scent of the stale beer I’d poured into it just a few minutes ago.
    Colt laughed again, which caught Raider’s attention. He placed the case of beer on the floor and crouched down to stock the fridge for tomorrow’s shift. “What are you two idiots doing now?”
    “Hawk is suffering from empty nest syndrome,” Colt informed him. “Gracie is moving on.”
    “Smart girl,” Raider said with a grin as he emptied the box. “She could do a shitload better than our black-hearted brother.”
    I knew he was just trying to get a reaction out of me. Nothing had ever made me respond to bait from my dumbass brothers in the past. But when it came to Gracie, I was almost helpless not to react. I fucking hated it, but there was nothing I could do to change it. That damn female had me all kinds of twisted up. I cut off the water and turned around so fast Raider didn’t have time to move before I kicked his feet out from under him and he landed on his knees. Hard.
    “Fuck,” he bit out and pushed to his feet. “Break my kneecaps, why don’t you?”
    “Next time I will,” I promised. Pulling my keys from my pocket, I headed for the door. “I’m out of here. See you idiots at home.”
    The warm summer air hit me as soon as I stepped outside. The parking lot was empty except my brothers’ bikes and the man leaning against his own hog beside mine. I bit back a curse, knowing that I wasn’t going to get to go straight home, as I had wanted to.
    Bash straightened as I neared. He was probably the biggest fucker I’d ever seen in my entire life. When he was the Angel’s Halo enforcer he’d made grown men piss themselves from a simple glare. He’d kept us all in line when he’d been the enforcer. Now that he was our club president he made the new guys and prospects shake in their boots.
    “What now?” I demanded when I reached him.
    Bash gave me a grim smile. “Got some intel on Samson,” the man I considered my brother-in-law informed me. Just the mention of that motherfucker’s name made rage boil in my veins. “I wanted to confirm it before I brought it to you, brother.”
    “That fight at Paradise City last weekend?” I nodded, remembering that there had been talk about a brawl breaking out at Bash and Spider’s strip club over the weekend. The fight hadn’t been that big of a deal. That shit happened all the damn time when you had a bunch of drunks grouped together. Add in naked girls and you got yourself a

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