Angel of Mine

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Book: Read Angel of Mine for Free Online
Authors: Jessica Louise
scenes of a lady, motionless on the ground with blood running from her head and a baby by her side, come back to me. My head is throbbing more with each second. I lift my hand to feel dried blood and stitches. Jolting upright and pulling at tubes attached to my arms, I call out, “Theo?”
    In my panic, the nurse soothes me, rubbing her hand over my shoulder and gently pushing me back down to the bed. “It’s okay love, he’s just outside the door. He popped out while I came to check your vitals and will be back in just a minute.”
    This revelation does not calm my rattled nerves though, and the beep, beep, beep of the heart rate monitor starts going crazy. He saw everything. What must he be thinking and how am I going to explain my way out of this one?
    My alarming thoughts stray to the lady I healed. She must be freaking out. What if she told people? What if she rang the news channels? I don’t know what’s racing faster, my extreme anxiety or the beeping of the heart rate monitor.
    The nurse must take this as a sign that I am unsettled and need Theo back in the room with me. She peers towards the door and calls out, “Theo, can you come back in here please hun?”
    My heart is thumping hard and feels as if it might burst out of my chest at any given second. As Theo enters the room with a look filled with nothing but concern for me, it starts to slow down.
    He reaches my side, and the smell of a disinfectant is replaced with a new one that is all him, a mixture of wood, musk, and sweet spices. It overwhelms me as he leans closer, and I want to drown in it.
    Running his hand through my hair, he places a feather light kiss in the middle of my forehead, but I still notice how silky his lips feel against my skin. His eyes command my attention as he discloses, “I’m glad you’re finally awake. I was so worried about you.” Then he whispers the last line so the nurse won’t hear, “Don’t you ever do that to yourself again.” The gesture is so affectionate it makes me melt.
    This was his way of subtly letting me know that he understands something strange occurred, but that he is also content to let it go for now. He rises and pulls a chair to the side of my bed as the nurse states, “That was quite a knock to the head you took sweetie. You need to make sure you get your rest, but first, since Theo here informed me you were only seventeen, is there a number where I can contact your mum?”
    I give the nurse my mum’s contact details before she leaves the room, and then turn to face all of Theo’s questions. “So, I guess you want an explanation, yeah?”
    “I do,” he answers, “but it can wait till you are feeling better. I’m not going anywhere.”
    I nod my head, grateful, but still need to find out what happened to the lady I helped. “The lady, the one on the ground.”
    He places his hand firmly over mine and assures me, “She is okay. The ambulance checked her over at the scene and cleared her to go. I explained to her that we found her unconscious by a tree branch, and it must have hit her. There were more branches nearby, so it wasn’t too much of a stretch to tell her you also got hit while checking her over and weren’t so lucky.”
    I let out a quivery breath, relieved to know there are no news stations or government agencies out to find me. He must sense my fears and lets me know. “Your secret is safe with me Ally. Whatever you did out there was so selfless. I admire you, although I hate the fact that it brought you harm at the same time. So yes, we are going to talk more about this later, but for now, just rest. I’ll be here when you wake up.” His promise reassures me, and I am able to drift back into sleep.

    The slender hand that I feel on mine when I wake again is smoother than before. “Mum?” I query, opening my eyes and looking up at her. She looks at me with equal amounts of concern and worry.
    “Hey pumpkin, you’re awake. How are you doing?” Tenderly stroking

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