Angel of Mine

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Book: Read Angel of Mine for Free Online
Authors: Jessica Louise
the wind. Her cheekbones are high, and appear as though God sculpted the perfect face just for her. Her lips are full and pouty, tempting me to nibble on them. I save those deep blue eyes for last, but they are… alarmed? I do a double take.
    Her eyes dart to somewhere beyond me then back to me with a pleading expression. Realizing that I probably overstepped the mark since I only met her a couple of days ago, and remembering how skittish she was then, I drop my arms and begin to apologize and give her some space.
    She surprises me by gripping my shirt and looking me square in the eyes, determination taking over the alarm in her gaze. “There’s something I have to do. Please, keep an open mind and don’t freak out. Afterwards, I’m going to need your help. I’ll need you to take me to the hospital and say a branch fell on my head during the storm. Please, stick to this story.” I’m absolutely baffled. What on earth is she talking about?
    I raise my eyebrows, but before I get the chance to question her, she pushes against my chest and takes off. I whirl around and run after her.
    She crosses the road, stopping at a lady who is lying unconscious on the ground with a massive gash across her head. Beside her is a pram with a baby in it, completely oblivious that anything is wrong. Holy crap!
    My hands are shaking, and I feel jittery as I pull my phone from my pocket. I look around for street signs so that I can give the emergency operators details when I call them. Ally knocks the phone out of my hands to the ground. What the hell has gotten into her?
    As I go to pick it back up, Ally crouches and holds her hands over the woman’s head. I freeze. Her hands are emitting a glow, and the gash on the woman’s head is disappearing literally before my eyes. What is going on? The woman’s eyes flicker open as Ally collapses to the ground, blood oozing out of a fresh gash on her head.
    What I just witnessed has me a little freaked out. Did that seriously just happen? I take a closer look at the mother on the ground, and then at Ally again, and I know it did happen. Somehow, Ally has fully healed this woman, and in the process, she has hurt herself. She wasn’t even scared. I didn’t see her hesitate, not once.
    I’m in awe, but also terrified for her at the same time. Exactly how far would she go to help someone? I have so many questions going through my head in the seconds that follow this event, but no time to dwell on them.
    My hands are still shaking as I call emergency services. What on earth am I going to tell them ? I’m not sure. I do know that there is no way that I want this secret to get out. I feel a strong need to protect her, so I have to think of a believable story, and fast.

    My eyelids are heavy, and everything seems foggy as I hover on the edge of consciousness. I hear muffled voices far off in the distance as they try to break through. Concentrating hard, I try to figure out what they a saying.
    “Ally. Ally. Can you hear me? Squeeze my hand if you can hear me dear.” A soft female voice I’m not familiar with coaxes me out of the fog, and I open my eyes to bright glaring lights.
    Blinking several times, I glance around and take stock of where I am. Bland white walls, machines all around me, an uncomfortable bed with that horrible combination of stiff white sheets, a hard pillow and rails. There are strong smells of disinfectant in the air, and it dawns on me. I must be in the hospital again. This hasn’t happened in a while. My heart sinks because Mum won’t be pleased at this discovery.
    At least I’m in my own private room this time. With no one else around me, I won’t have to worry about my hands glowing. Even though the hospital is full of sick people, my body only reacts when I get close and can see what is wrong with them. As long as I don’t pay attention to any of the patients I come across, I should be safe, and no one will figure out my secret.
    As I slowly become more alert,

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