Among the Fallen: Resurrection
dollars into the economy and the city’s infrastructure this year alone. Three million into charities and social outlets, the people of Blackwater have never been better!”
    Newsreader: “But its still is a form of control, you have privatized the police department and…”
    Spokesman: “And crime has fallen sixty percent!”
    Newsreader: “Through fear and control!”
    Spokesman: “Not at all, we…”
    Newsreader: “You have replaced one third of the force with a ghost army that we, as citizens are not allowed to see, surly we should at least see what, if anything, where our money is being spent, who are these…”
    Spokesman: “But it’s not your money, its corporation money and funded by us, the identities of our private force are secret for no other reason than to protect their families!”
    Newsreader: “Nonsense! We are entitled to…”
    Spokesman: “Every citizen in this city earns twelve percent more than everyone else in the States, there’s a three year residential waiting list alone to live in Blackwater City, you and all your fellow opponents of the corporation, all spend your high wage packets and flourish within the city and that, you can’t deny!”
    Newsreader: “It does not escape the fact that Mayor Beaumont and the corporation, silence those with bonuses and materialistic living schemes, we have a right to…”
    Spokesman: “What’s wrong with Mayor Beaumont and the corporation, putting back into the community?”
    Newsreader: “It all certainly seems…”
    Alex smiled and swiftly turned off the radio, staring between her feet and out over the city as it continued to live happily in the distance. She loved it when people opposed her father and what he stood for, she had always believed and considered his ethics to be far from giving; but his paid crew of spin-doctors always managed to turn it around in one way or another.
    She continued to gaze over the lake, watching the fairground on the bay as it hustled with people; all joyous and content as the rides roared and sent them screaming around tracks over the city. The cable cars slowly crept over the glimmering waters, delivering sightseers to the common place that she called home. As the sun warmed the soles of her feet, she lowered her shades and shut her weary eyes, lazily taking in the rays as her mind ventured out into daydreams and fantasies as they normally did; until eventually, she fell into a long and much-needed sleep. Slowly, the far-reaching distant sounds of the city vanished and the wildlife around her fell silent, stepping into her dream world of nothingness and serene tranquillity.
    “I have been searching for you… where have you been? I have missed you…” a voice said creepily in her dreams, waking her up crudely as the sun vanished behind the trees on the horizon. Alex rubbed her eyes and yawned coarsely, reaching for her cell phone, the time reading 19:17pm.
    “Shit!” she cursed violently as she started the car, Sarah was due out soon and she nearly stranded the poor girl. She took a look in the mirror at her red sun burnt face and sighed again as she slipped the gears and made her way towards the city, cursing to herself as the radio played to deaf ears.

Chapter Four: Broken Souls
    Then I heard the LORD say to the other men, Follow him through the city and kill everyone whose forehead is not marked. Show no mercy; have no pity! Kill them all – old and young, girls and women and little children. - Ezekiel 9:5-7
    Alex waited outside the school, patiently browsing her texts of nonsense and gazed from the car window, jaded almost to tears as Sarah finished her class. She was always the last one out, spending at least ten minutes giving her goodbyes to the other children as Alex watched with a loving smile.
    Sarah was a popular six-year-old and a sparkly little miss know-it-all as they all are at that age; the other children had no idea nor cared of her roots and neither did the parents; which was a

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