Always A Bridesmaid (Left At the Altar)

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Book: Read Always A Bridesmaid (Left At the Altar) for Free Online
Authors: Jana Richards
and Zach got together. So how do two people who barely know each other end up together?"
    "We ran into each other one day, at the mall." That sounded reasonable didn't it? People went to the mall all the time. She looked at him for help and thankfully he took up the story.
    "We sat down for a coffee together, and pretty soon we were talking like old friends. I felt like I'd known her for years. I've never felt so comfortable with someone so quickly before."
    Comfortable? He made her sound as exciting as an old shoe.
    He gave her a lopsided smile. "We started doing things as friends, going to movies, and cooking together. And then things changed between us and we were much more than just friends."
    Fiona smiled. "When did you know your relationship was moving from friendship to love, Dani?"
    She stared at her blankly for a few seconds, willing her brain to come up with a plausible answer. She looked at Zach and he smiled, as if he had every confidence she'd say the right thing. She turned back to Fiona.
    "I guess I knew when I looked at him one day and said to myself, 'Zach is a wonderful person. He's kind and generous and has more integrity than any man I know. Why aren't we together?'" She took his hand. "I just had to convince him he felt the same way."
    "I didn't need much convincing."
    "My late wife and I were good friends before we married. I believe friends make the best partners in love," Camp said.
    She glanced at Zach from under her lashes. What exactly were they to each other? They certainly weren't romantic partners or lovers, and they weren't really even friends. Nothing they'd told the people gathered around Camp's dining room table was true.
    She pasted a smile on her face and gazed adoringly into Zach's eyes. She hoped she played her part convincingly this weekend.
    But for her own well-being, she had to remember that her role as Zach's girlfriend was totally make-believe. And very temporary. Definitely a one weekend engagement.

Chapter Four
    Dani dried one of the beautiful baccarat flutes, holding it up to the light to make sure she'd wiped all the water spots. It sparkled in the kitchen's fluorescent lightening. With great care, she set it on the counter with the others.
    "This crystal probably costs a month's mortgage for me," she said. "I'd hate to drop one of them."
    Zach placed another flute in the drain board. "Camp likes nice things, even when he rents. He and his wife grew up poor, so when his business took off and he made a lot of money, he bought her the best of everything. Unfortunately, he couldn't buy her good health."
    "He must have really loved her." Camp had spoken fondly of his late wife. Even though their lives together had been cut short, at least they'd experienced true love. Dani sighed. She was closing in on thirty and still hadn't come close to finding true love, or even a reasonable facsimile.
    She and Zach finished washing and drying the rest of the dishes and Adele safely put things in their proper places, while Fiona, Todd and Jonathan tidied the kitchen and dining room. In a short time they finished cleaning up after their late dinner.
    Adele looked at her watch. "No wonder I'm tired. It's after ten. Goodnight everyone, and thank you so much for your help. Breakfast will be at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. Camp likes to stick to his schedule."
    After kissing Zach goodnight, she left. A few minutes later, Fiona and Todd said goodnight and left as well. Jonathan returned his broom to the closet.
    "It's been a long day, folks," he said. "Time to pack it in. I'll see you in the morning."
    Dani put her hand on his arm. "Jonathan, thanks for sticking up for me tonight. I really appreciated it."
    He kissed her cheek. "It was my pleasure. Goodnight."
    She watched him leave the kitchen as she hung her dish towel on a rack under the sink. It was nice to know she had friends to support her through this strange weekend.
    "He seems to like you."
    Zach's voice had sounded

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