their mother. When they got nearest to the front Phil caught her eye and waved her over. She walked in his direction, only with the intention of telling him she’d be right back after she showed May where she could put the boys.
“I see you made a new friend hey Connor?” Phil said and tickled his toes.
Tatum didn’t notice the man standing next to her father until Matthew called, “Hi Daddy.”
She turned to look at him, just as Connors head perked up to look as well. Her breath caught in her throat.
He was probably the most handsome man she’d ever seen. His blond hair fell in disarray in his eyes even though the back was fairly clean cut. His beard wasn’t as unkempt and long as some of the other men surrounding them, looking more as if he’d shaved a few weeks or so ago and had simply started growing it out.
His eyes met hers and he smiled but it was a tired smile. One that was only a motion his lips made. It was obligatory.
“I hope you don’t mind. They didn’t want to stay behind without me,” he said to Tatum and she looked at Phil who in turn, looked at Jager and then at his daughter, concern on his face.
“It’s no problem,” she said warily.
Jager smiled again and looked at Phil before running his hand thru his hair. “It’s nice to meet you finally. And uh – thanks for the cars,” he said, playing with Connors toes in his onesie pajamas and not looking at Tatum.
“Ya, no problem,” she repeated, growing somewhat annoyed with his lack of personality for some reason. “I’ll show May here where they can sleep. You can come with if you want to know where they’ll be.”
Jager looked at Phil, who put his hand down on Jagers shoulder as if in support. The Authority nodded and they all walked together into the house.
“You like Tatum hey Connor?” Jager said behind Tatum as they walked through a wide hallway on the side of the house furthest away from the party. Their boots clunked and clinked on the marble floors as they made their way. The beige walls were bare Jager noticed. He was expecting to see knight armor and paintings of Tatum’s ancestors, maybe even the King and Queen of England. This house was way grander than anywhere he’d ever been.
“I’m her daddy you know?” Phil said to the boys, beaming with pride and breaking Jagers scrutiny. Matthew turned and looked at them both and said, “Really!?”
Phil nodded and Tatum smiled.
They settled the boys and May away, each having to take turns hugging the boys and wishing them good night. Jager was a little more reluctant to let them go and only left them when they started to doze off.
May always felt uncomfortable with his presence, as if she didn’t know how to do her job while he was around. How do you parent a child when you’re not their parent and their parent is in the room?
The party lasted until daylight. Tatum didn’t necessarily have time for the groupies however she hit it off wonderfully with the one the boys called Ava.
The gang welcomed her as if she were - well - a long lost sister. They all danced with her and constantly thanked her. Phil couldn’t remember a time in his life when he was happier.
The next morning Tatum went to check on the boys as soon as she woke. Aside from her father being here, she was most excited about the fact that there were kids under her roof for the first time.
They were playing quietly in their room with May, who was still half asleep. Tatum asked them if they wanted to get some breakfast and they both yelled “Ya!” enthusiastically. She told May to stay and sleep in, that she would watch them and May conceded, gratefully.
Upstairs, in the smaller kitchen, Tatum made the boys some cereal and made a note to get Rick to go out and get them some toys and more kid-appropriate food.
Connor was pretty self-sufficient and fed himself. She sat at the counter; drinking her coffee and watching the boys watch cartoons,