Alpha Trio 3: A Special Taste
to grab his wrist, but didn’t attempt to pull away. And she could have. The strength in her slender form was apparent even now. So small, and yet so fierce. He ached to feel her lean, supple body beneath his.
    “Oh, you have one, little girl.” He bent forward, gaze intent on the moist part of those cherry red lips. “I can smell your arousal.” Grig took a deep breath. “You smell like a hothouse flower.”
    Kall bared her teeth, but the gesture did nothing to deter him. Quite the opposite, in fact. More blood pooled in his cock. Kall’s eyes sparked with dark fire as her gaze dropped back to his waist. Her pink tongue flitted out, laving her plump bottom lip.
    “I can hear your blood... rushing, pounding.” Her free hand went to his knee, her fingers stroking. “It calls to me.” She lifted herself on her tiptoes, even as he bent further forward. Their mouths were almost touching. He could feel the warm rush of her breath against his cheek.
    “Did you taste me, Kall?”
    Her eyes still on the spot where his cock strained against his jeans, she nodded. “A little. You had blood on your face when we kissed.”
    Fire swirled at the base of Grig’s spine at her words. “And how did I taste to you?” He tilted her head back, forcing her to meet his eyes.
    “Amazing. Better than... like every delectable flavor, and nothing I’ve ever tasted. Like... like joy.”
    With a groan, Grig took her mouth. Her tongue was small and sweet against his. Her hands tightened on him, one at his wrist, the other on his thigh. Her fingers dug into the muscle there, almost painful, as she lifted herself toward him.
    She kissed him back as intensely as he kissed her, scraping teeth and eager tongue and lips. He felt the nick of a fang on the side of his tongue and inhaled in a quick breath at the brief, sharp pain. Kall moaned into his mouth, sucking on his tongue.
    Grig kissed her again and again, unable to tear his mouth from hers for more than a second. He was light-headed with need and lack of oxygen, and still he kept kissing her.
    Then he felt her palm skate over his painfully constricted erection and he nearly blacked out as every drop of blood in his body rushed to that single point of contact. She squeezed him through his jeans, making him shudder and moan.
    “Kalla.” It meant beauty, and a more apt name for his deadly, gorgeous vampire Grig couldn’t have come up with. His . He growled.
    She nipped at his lip, drawing blood, sucking it away. The sting was sweet, humming along his nerve endings. She tugged him closer to the edge of the bunk, fumbling with the fastenings of his pants, her mouth never leaving his.
    Grig couldn’t have resisted her even if he wanted to. Luckily, he didn’t want to. Her determined yanking had his jeans open and down around his knees in a brief moment.
    Finally free, his cock strained upward, harder than he could ever remember being in his entire life. He throbbed, the slick tip brushing his shirt as he bent his mouth to hers. Kall pressed a brief, deep kiss against his lips and then pushed him back until he rested his weight on his hands.
    She licked her lips, tongue pressing against the glistening tips of her fangs. The sharp teeth receded into her gums at the touch. Grig wasn’t sure if the crashing of his blood was in relief or disappointment.
    “Christ, wolfie. So big! And, ooh, lovely.”
    They both moaned as Kall’s slim, cool fingers slipped around his shaft. She couldn’t close her fingers around his width, but she tried, squeezing him firmly. His flesh was flushed purple with the strength of his arousal. Grig’s hips bucked into the circle of her fingers.
    She bit her lip, eyes intent on the movement of her hand as she stroked his length from base to crown, swirling her thumb over the broad head, wetting it with the slick of pre-cum there. Grig’s fingers dug into the thin pallet of the

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