Alpha Fighter
an athlete. He's certainly good on his feet; he moves his body with the security of someone who knows the ins and outs of controlling its movements. And the effects they have.
    That last thought sends a shiver up my spine.
    No. I refuse to think of Cooper like that. They're just thoughts and they're harmless, but there's no way any of that can happen. I'm a tactile bomb—touch me and I'll detonate, destroying everyone and everything around me with the impact of the explosion.
    Suddenly, the music is more grating than relaxing. I toss the rag, totally covered in black, take a quick second to admire my work, and then turn off the music and head to the shower.
    I have no idea what Cooper's story is, but I know one thing. I'm far too interested in finding out for my own good.

Chapter Ten
    I drop Wednesday off at her place, ignoring her pouting and whining about round two in the morning. Honestly, now that I've blown off some steam, I just want her out of my hair.
    On the drive home, I think about Savannah again. She's a bold one. Doesn't look like the kind of girl who would whine. She also doesn't seem like the kind of girl who would put up with any bullshit, given her no-nonsense attitude and that surprisingly firm handshake.
    Paired with that face and that body, she's dangerous. 
    I pull into my parking space and turn off the car, locking it twice before I head out. I let myself in quietly, since it's pretty late and Savannah is surely asleep. It's dead silent. I check my watch as I flip on the light. One thirty in the morning Man, I'm going to feel this at morning training, considering that I have to be up before five to run to the gym.
    Whoa. When I look up from my watch, I almost feel like I'm in the wrong apartment. The whole place gleams like an ad for some sort of cleaning detergent. I whistle.
    A face, a brain, and a work ethic. Danger.
    From her elegant way of holding herself and educated patterns of speech, I would have pegged her as a hoity toity rich girl, slumming it for God-knows-what reason. Or maybe a shunned princess, Daddy's little girl kicked out of the mansion to fend for herself among the regular people. But this isn't the work of a sheltered girl who's had everything handed to her all her life.
    I whip a protein shake up to fuel tomorrow morning's workout. I take a look at my watch again. Make that today's workout.
    A last look around at an apartment I barely recognize before I shut off the lights settles it. I'm going to figure this girl out. I've figured out the action plans of rogue military governments abroad, to be able to chart, and preempt, their moves and locations to the precision of a ten-yard radius. My ability to predict and block the moves of my opponents gets me out of the ring without a scratch, with guys fifty pounds heavier than me left bruised and confused. I can figure out this mysterious girl with the sweet ass and survivor attitude, too.

Chapter Eleven
    W hy did I think this was a good idea? I mean, yeah, Nate's the world's biggest dickhead and there's no way in hell that I'm marrying him. Just the thought of him touching me, or even coming near me, makes me want to hurl.
    He's disgusting. Really? That's what I've been waiting for, what I've been staying 'pure' for? That's why I couldn't date like the other girls, why hot guys ran in the opposite direction like I was some kind of leper? My fiancé, who has the nerve to fucking cheat on me when I don't even want him?
    Thinking about him there, in bed with her, reminds me of why I did what I did and why I was totally, completely right.
    I push myself up off of the hard mattress and peel my sweaty tank off. It's an inferno in my room and the slow fan is more of an insult than anything. It makes so much noise I can hardly hear myself think, but it barely moves the air around at all.
    Still, finding this place was a godsend. And Cooper...I feel my skin getting even
    hotter as I think about him. Sure, I've been tempted

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