Alpha, Delta

Read Alpha, Delta for Free Online

Book: Read Alpha, Delta for Free Online
Authors: RJ Scott
taken first blood in the mini war game they were taking part in. The grin didn’t last long, subsiding as soon as Cap walked in. After all, it didn’t matter what had happened this morning; now they were all about whatever had caused them to be alerted.
    “About thirty minutes ago four bodies were found at the Grane oil terminal, identified as security assigned to the NorsDev Forseti Platform.”
    Cap stared straight at Finn and for a brief moment Finn wasn’t really understanding the words. Then one thing hit him square in the chest. Forseti. That was where Niall was.
    Rising to his feet he didn’t know what to say as fear gripped him. “Four?”
    “We have reason to believe these four men were replaced so that a team of hijackers could get onto Forseti.”
    “That’s being decom’d.” Erik sounded puzzled. “What kind of collateral does an empty oil platform have?”
    “Only four?” Finn interjected. “What about the engineers? Niall Faulkner and his brother Ewan?”
    Erik looked up at him and Finn could see the moment the information made sense in his head.
    “Fuck. Niall is on Forseti?”
    “Both of them… Niall and Ewan. Did they go? Does someone know if he…?” The rest of the team all stared at him, Cap included, and Finn realised he was coming off as a mad man. He subsided. No one could get information out if Finn was raving like a fucking lovesick moron.
    “The pilots are back, they took one engineer and four security replacements. So, souls on the platform are one engineer, six skeleton crew, and the four security replacements. Eleven souls in all.”
    The bottom fell out of Finn and dread stole his breath. Was it Niall or Ewan on Forseti? With who? Terrorists?
    “Intel is showing no communications, or demands, but chatter has it that this is an isolated cell connected to the Hofstad Network out of Denmark.” Cap slid his finger on the laptop and the screen changed behind him to show four faces. Three fair-haired, one dark, all in fatigues with long addendums at the bottom of the photo. Ex-Marine, one former SAS. The names a blur. Except for one.
    Svein Roberg.
    “He’s dead,” Erik said in disbelief, echoing Finn’s thoughts exactly. Roberg had a long history of fighting the good fight for whichever side paid him most. Ex-Special Forces, he had finally been taken down by the ERU two years before, just after Finn joined the team. In fact, it had been Finn who faced him down after tracking him to a small holding in Alta. They’d chased him to the Alta Dam, where the murdering fucker had died.
    The bastard had tried extortion in the name of environmental concern and had killed three oil workers in an explosion at one of the dry land containment depots. Finn would never forget Svein’s face. He didn’t even fight when Erik and Finn had him cornered, simply dropped his weapon and raised his hands.
    In the best traditions of all grandstanding bad guys he laughed then said, “I live to fight another day,” repeating this over and over as he fell to his knees. There had been madness in his words, and cunning in his silver eyes. Only when Finn had stepped forward did the madness manifest in a blur of motion, the two men grappling for the weapon and a bullet leaving Finn’s gun and carving into Svein’s neck, blood spurting. Time had slowed and Finn had watched in horror and a curious fascination as the terrorist leaped in a grotesque twist of muscles over the dam wall and down into the churning water below.
    “They never found his body,” Finn said softly. But Finn hadn’t cared then. The fucker had a bullet in his neck and had fallen over six hundred feet. He had to have been dead.
    “Until four weeks ago his file was silent, but chatter indicated there was movement and he was implicated right in the center of it all.”
    “And no one thought to brief us?” Finn demanded hotly. “Why the fuck not?”
    Several others in the team, Erik included, added their alarm.
    Cap held up a hand

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