Alien Landscapes 2
adventure? We’ll heat up our own food . . . as soon as I figure out how to do it.”
    Elroy got into the spirit of the challenge. “Don’t we have to rub sticks together or something, Pop?”
    “Of course not. Maybe we can use a heating plate. I wonder how long it takes.”
    The first experiment turned into an unpleasant experience. The instructions printed on the label—which George was proud to read by himself—didn’t say anything about having to open the can first before exposing it to high heat. The soup exploded into a dripping, hot mess.
    Rosie the maidbot complained as she wheeled back and forth to clean up every drop.
    George did better with the can of chili, and soon each of them had a small bowl of a lumpy red-brown mixture that didn’t look even as appetizing as the faded illustration on the label. Elroy, sitting beside his father, good-naturedly took several bites. Jane was stoic as she tasted the meal. Judy refused and slipped over to the replicator to make herself a different snack, much to George’s disappointment.
    He expected that most of them would prepare a different meal for themselves later on, but he insisted that this was quite tasty. The fact of making it for himself added a sense of accomplishment that increased the flavor of the meal (though his stomach gurgled unpleasantly and his mouth tasted strange for hours afterward).
    In the evening, when it was time for them to plan their upcoming family vacation, Judy was the first to pipe up, bubbling with excitement at her own suggestion. “I’ve always wanted to go to CentroMetropolis. We can see the shows and the museums.”
    “And the boys,” Elroy added sarcastically.
    “And the shows ,” Judy insisted.
    “Sounds boring,” Elroy said. “I want to go on a virtual immersion vacation! Every kind of game simulation! We’ve got a dome right here in the city, and Pop can get discount tickets from the factory.”
    “We’re not all going to play virtual games.” Judy rolled her eyes. “That’s for kids.”
    Jane sighed. “Wouldn’t a few days at a spa be nice? Temperature-controlled water jets, zero-gravity relaxation chambers, massagebots that can work your sore muscles for hours? It’s not easy being a homemaker these days, you know. You kids just wait until you grow up and have families of your own.”
    George, however, cut off all further argument. He had already made his decision, and he was sure his family would enjoy it. It would be quite an exciting experience, if only they kept open minds.
    “This year we’ll do something we’ve never done before. We’re going out to visit where my Uncle Asimov lived.”
    George flew the family bubblecar out past the city and into the next city (which looked exactly the same as the last), then to the next city, and the next. He remained cheerful, anticipating what they would find out in the rugged swatch of uncivilized land in the middle of the barren, reddish desert.
    The bubblecar whistled and hummed as it cruised along under its computerized guidance. Though George sat in the driver’s seat, he didn’t actually fly the craft. The guidance systems took care of everything for him, but he had always felt in control. He ignored the two kids picking on each other in the back seat as the bubblecar streaked onward. Beside him in the front, Jane seemed quite uneasy about where they were going.
    “Are we there yet?” Elroy said. “It’s been an hour.”
    “It’s been fifty minutes,” George said.
    “Seems like forever,” Judy complained. “When are we going to stop? Shouldn’t we take a rest break?”
    Eventually, the neatly organized buildings dropped away, the traffic thinned, and soon the landscape was like something George had seen on a Martian pioneer adventure video. The ground was rocky and barren, dotted with sagebrush and cactus, broken by huge outcrops of rock that didn’t look at all like real skyscrapers.
    Judy squealed when she saw dark, four-legged creatures

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