Alien Enigma

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Book: Read Alien Enigma for Free Online
Authors: Darrell Bain, Tony Teora
Tags: Science-Fiction
bag that covered a bottle on his starboard captain's counter. Keane read the inscription on the plaque:

    The art of war is simple enough. Find out where your enemy is. Get at him as soon as you can. Strike him as hard as you can, and keep moving on.
    - Ulysses S. Grant

    That gift was definitely from the Admiral, who was a big fan of war novels and always quoted Generals and admirals saying things like: "Learn history so that you don't repeat its mistakes. And when in war, fight smarter than the devil, because that's your enemy." Keane picked up the velvet covered bottle and untied the string. He pulled out a forty year old bottle of Germain Robin XO Brandy. He smiled, glad that the Admiral didn't take it for his own stash. It was the Navy Secretary's favorite but rumor had it that the Admiral had acquired a taste for it, too. A note was attached. ' Godspeed Captain Keane. Good hunting .' It was a simple note, and simply signed, 'George'.
    The gifts and words elated Keane but looking around the ship and all its new weapons and systems brought him back to reality. He grunted appreciatively and then spoke. "I hope I get a good officer to run that little EW nook. I won't know much about it until I get some study time in."
    Jergens looked at him askance. "No one told you?"
    "Told me what?"
    "Umm, well, I've been called back to active duty. You're looking at your EW officer, sir. I'm just out of uniform. That is, unless you want to request someone else?"
    "Mmm." He rubbed his chin and let a thin smile lift the corners of his mouth a millimeter. "How about the assault shuttles? Do they have stealth capability?"
    "Welcome aboard, then," he said and held out his hand. After shaking he glanced at his thumb watch. "I need to be getting back. The courier jet is picking me up in a little more than an hour. I've got a briefing scheduled in Washington."
    "Great. Maybe you'll find out when we leave."
    "Maybe," he answered, knowing the briefing was for more than to discuss schedules. There was some top secret information critical to the mission that would be passed. It was well beyond top secret, at a level of the President and his cabinet members. This intrigued the captain as much as the specially built warship. What was so secret about the mission?

Chapter Three: The U.S.S.S. Doc Travis

    Always plan for the worst; that way, all your surprises will be pleasant ones.
    - Robert Jordan, The Dragon Reborn

    Olson Wannstead glanced up, then smiled broadly as his son entered his office at corporate headquarters. Ordinarily Brian would have been over in the engineering building, where he had been closely involved with starship construction since finishing his apprenticeship. He still preferred engineering even though he was being forced to pay much more attention to financing these days. At any rate, it was always a pleasure to see Brian for any reason. He was proud of the way he'd turned out. He had even served several years in the Navy and was still active in the reserves.
    "Hello Brian. What brings you over here at this time of day? I thought you were trouble-shooting the interfacing of the C class computer navigation setup."
    "Oh, that wasn't much of a problem and only for that one ship, the second coming off the line. It's already taken care of. A tech error, nothing more."
    Wannstead noticed that something was awry in Brian's countenance. He wasn't nearly as animated as usual. Further, he appeared to have something on his mind.
    "So what's your problem? I doubt you dropped by just to see the old man, especially since you and Emily were supposed to be coming for dinner tonight." He raised his brows in question.
    Brian slid into a seat in front of his father's desk. He slumped rather than sitting upright as usual.
    "Dad, I've been called up."
    "Back to active duty? What on earth for?"
    "My orders read to report to Palmdale for a special assignment. You can guess what that means."
    " Oh, shit!" The exclamation burst

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