Against a Perfect Sniper

Read Against a Perfect Sniper for Free Online

Book: Read Against a Perfect Sniper for Free Online
Authors: Shiden Kanzaki
Tags: Fiction, Science-Fiction
when the air was knocked out of her lungs even reached Rentaro.
    “Why aren’t you saying anything? Say something, bitch. You ran over my foot with this bike. Get it?”
    “Aw man, that foot’s probably broken.”
    “You’ve gotta pay compensation! Compensation!”
    One of the boys started stomping on the vainly spinning spokes of the inverted bicycle in a fit of anger. The girl didn’t know what was going on and just stood with her mouth open. There were more people around them who avoided the girl and walked by, and some started appearing who didn’t want to get involved and turned away completely.
    Rentaro felt bad for her, but he wasn’t such a good person that he would act like a hero and go in to help. His feeling of not wanting to get involved won, and he turned around, but when he suddenly thought of what Enju would say if she were here, his legs stopped as if they were glued to the ground.
    Rentaro ruffled his fingers through his hair.
Damn it. Might as well call her parents
, he said to himself as he put his hand on thespiky-haired one who was poking the girl and who seemed to be the leader, forcing him to turn around to face Rentaro.
    The spiky-haired boy scowled unpleasantly and said, “Huh?”
    Rentaro regarded the boy with little in the way of enthusiasm. The pure violence of this type of scary-faced loudmouth was definitely easier to deal with than the underhanded, spiteful Yasuwaki.
    When Rentaro didn’t say anything, the boy said, “Who the hell are you?” and put his face close to Rentaro’s to threaten him.
    Rentaro didn’t say anything and just tapped his own back twice where his gun was stuck into his belt.
    The spiky-haired boy’s reptilian eyes gave off a dangerous light, and there was an oppressive silence. The fibers of Rentaro’s clothes poked his skin.
    He didn’t know how much time had passed, but the spiky-haired boy finally turned on his heel and said, “Hey, let’s go,” and left, taking his friends with him.
    Exhaling softly and relaxing his shoulders, he swore to himself that he would never do this again. As Rentaro turned back reproachfully, he saw the blond girl looking at him with her mouth open.
    “A hero… It’s my first time ever seeing one.” The girl in pajamas that he saved looked at him with an absentminded expression.
    “You don’t have to thank me. Just hurry up and go home! Later.”
    As he waved carelessly and was about leave, the girl grabbed the sleeve of his uniform. “Where are we?”
    Rentaro covered his face with his palm and shook his head softly. Damn it, he had gotten involved, after all.
    Sitting the girl on a bench in a green park in the neighborhood, Rentaro went all the way to a water faucet, got a towel wet, and brought it back. Wringing out the towel, he wiped the girl’s face. “Stay still for a sec.”
    The girl lifted her chin, narrowed her eyes, and stayed there. “You seem to be…used to this.”
    “I’ve got a freeloader about your age at home, that’s why. There, all clean.” Rentaro took a step back to look at the girl, putting his hand on his hip and nodding once.
    The girl lowered her head to bow in thanks—but strangely, she never lifted her face back up. Rentaro thought this was suspicious and peeked at her face from below. Her eyelids looked heavy, blinking sleepily as she started falling asleep.
    Suddenly raising her head, the girl dug around in her pocket and pulled out a bottle with an English label on it, took a pill out of it, and put it in her mouth. Rentaro thought she was eating something and stole a look at the label on the bottle and frowned. Apparently, they were caffeine pills.
    “I’m…nocturnal, so if I don’t do this, I can’t stay awake during the day.” As she spoke, she tossed a large number of pills in her mouth one after another, chewed sleepily, and swallowed. Rentaro did not know much about this type of pill, but he could tell that this was more than a normal dose.

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