After the Fall

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Book: Read After the Fall for Free Online
Authors: Morgan O'Neill
everything was running dangerously short, and no amount of money could buy what wasn’t there to be had. Where once meat and fish had been plentiful, now none could be found, and it was becoming apparent dogs, cats, even rodents, were disappearing from the streets and homes.
    Many men had already escaped, singly and stealthily, abandoning wives and children. Some people left openly, throwing their lot in with the Visigoths, either for survival or out of ideological reasoning, and many slaves had vanished as well.
    When she reached home, there were three pitiful old women sitting outside the gates. When they saw her, their thin arms rose up as one, their weak, crackly voices begging for food.
    “Placidia, please.” “ Domina , help us.” “We have been left to die.” “ Nobilissima Puella, please help us.”
    Placidia crouched down, taking their feeble hands in hers. “I haven’t much to offer, only some olives, cheese, and stale bread. But we will divvy up what little we have, and at least you may come in out of the rain and sit by our fire,” she smiled apologetically, “although we have but a small amount of wood left. Please, you are welcome at our hearth.” She glanced at her bodyguards, who looked angry and disinclined to assist. Even Persis hung back.
    Placidia frowned. “If you don’t care to share your portions with these women, then they may take mine, but I insist you bring them inside!”
    Their expressions were petulant, but they all helped, and soon everyone was settled and the doors were closed against the frigid, damp air.
    • • •
    The rain drummed loudly against the roof tiles, keeping Placidia awake. It was late, and she was so very tired. Hunger hurt more than just her body, it hurt her mind with its ceaseless torments, the wretched cravings. When would this be over? When?
    Suddenly, a loud thump on the balcony jolted her upright in bed.
    Her ladies hurried in. “What was that?” Elpidia asked.
    “Perhaps a bird has crashed into the side of the palace?” Placidia suggested. She got up and followed the women to the balcony. Together, they pulled open the heavy curtains and peeked out. A large burlap sack was lying against the wall.
    “Stay here,” Elpidia told them. “Let me take a look.”
    Placidia sent Persis to help when Elpidia struggled to lift and carry the sack by herself. They dragged it inside and closed the curtains.
    “The balcony is so high. How could someone throw such a heavy thing?” Placidia asked. She reached out to untie the knot securing the sack.
    “No, don’t!” Elpidia grabbed her arm. “Someone climbed up and left it here, then fled. What if it holds something horrible?”
    “Dear Lord!” Placidia backed away, suddenly fearful of what they might find.
    Elpidia’s mouth was tight as she gazed at the curtains. “We have fewer guards on duty these days. They must have stopped patrolling the grounds. I will go out directly and talk to them about this.” She started for the door. “Do not open the sack, Placidia. Please! I shall call for a guard.”
    Placidia was about to nod when she detected an aroma, something sweet and wonderful. She looked down at the sack, suddenly unafraid. “Elpidia, wait. Can’t you smell them?”
    Both Persis and Elpidia stared at her.
    “Smell what?” the nurse asked.
    “Figs and dates! The bag must be full of — ”
    “No, my lady, stop!” Elpidia yelled. “Leave it be until I return with help.”
    Ignoring her, Placidia tore open the sack. “Oh, look!” Excitedly, she plunged her hand inside and drew out kernels of spelt, wanting to devour it raw. “There is grain and also dates, nuts and figs, even cheese. Oh, my God, food, someone has brought us food.”
    “But who … ?” Persis reached out, then pulled back. “What if it contains poison?”
    Before she could stop herself, Placidia popped some nuts and a dried fig into her mouth, chewing slowly, savoring the explosion of nearly forgotten flavors. She

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