hungrily.  The look on his face telegraphed his intentions so clearly that Tessa halted in mid-stride, sucking in a quick breath, wondering to herself whether they were even going to make it to dinner! 
    As he strode towards her, she took several tentative steps towards him, ending up engulfed in those muscular arms, held tight against him; there was absolutely no mistaking what was poking insistently into her lower belly as he lowered his head to hers.
    Damn he was a good kisser! – just the right pressure, not too wet, and with just the right amount of tongue, which she did her best to emulate.  By the time he lifted his head, she didn’t give a damn whether they ever made it to dinner.
    Whether he remained unaffected through it all - which she doubted, considering the fact that the bulge against her tummy had grown several sizes while they kissed – he was obviously much stronger than she.  With no effort, he lifted her into the cab of his massive truck and closed the door beside her.
    As he joined her in the cab, she  was amazed to hear herself say breathlessly, “You know I don’t mind at all if we just skip dinner and head home to my place .  .  .”  She’d never even contemplated saying anything like that to any man she’d known, let alone say it out loud.
    Sean appeared to seriously consider her offer; for a moment she had her hopes up.  He leaned back into the corner at the end of the wide bench seat, giving her an assessing gaze that she wasn’t at all sure she liked.  He sure knew how to make her squirm!
    But then he leaned forward and turned the key to start the truck, saying, “No, that wouldn’t be right.  I don’t want to rush things between us.  I want to get to know you a lot more before we take that step, so we’re going to take this at the pace I set, which is slow.”
    “Kind of like you drive?” She couldn’t resist getting that jab in there, because the man did drive like the famous little old lady from Pasadena.  One sharp look from him and she knew she’d better not push it.  She certainly didn’t want a repeat of what had happened last night .  .  .  or did she?
    Annoyed with herself and her conflicting reactions she was having to him, as well as with the man himself, Tessa sighed in frustration, buckled her seat belt and resigned herself to Lord-knew-how-long without the thundering sexual release that her body instinctively knew he could provide.
    And then had come that question about whether she’d let her fingers do the walking last night after he left, or if she’d obeyed him.  “I decided to wait,” she replied airily, as if it was her idea.  Sean chuckled.  This woman was going to give him a run for his money, but he was finding that he was more than up to the challenge.
    And he did keep things very slow between them, although that did not mean that he kept his distance from her.  Exactly the opposite was true.  He’d taken to stopping by her shop every morning, delivering either her usual coffee – plus or minus the doughnut, depending on how well he thought she was eating that week – or some other small treat.  Sometimes he surprised her with a lunch that he intended to share with her.  Of course, it was killing two birds with one stone, since his place didn’t have a refrigerator, and he knew she could stick whatever he’d brought into one of her fridges in the back.
    They saw each other almost every day for the first month since they’d met, mostly at his insistence.  Tess never got much of a chance to take the lead – which was fine with her, since that wasn’t her bent anyway.  It always seemed as if he were several steps ahead of her, and had everything planned down to a T. He even invited her down to his shop to eat lunch with him in the tiny break room - really more of a closet.  The close quarters further fostered the blossoming intimacy between them.  When not engaging in

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