Aconite (The Elektita Series Book 1)

Read Aconite (The Elektita Series Book 1) for Free Online

Book: Read Aconite (The Elektita Series Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Christine Alvarez
concern written all over her face threatened to steal it away.
    "The news
said nothing of rain." She swept her gray eyes over my wet clothes and
flat hair. I'm sure I looked like a drowned rat by now and to top it off I was
fairly positive my blouse was ruined.
someone should have let Mother Nature know." My response was harsh against
her concern and completely unlike myself. I flashed a smile trying to make up
for it but I knew it fell flat so instead I made my exit and headed for my

    I stripped off my
wet clothes and headed directly to the shower. The water grew hot letting steam
consume the bathroom. It felt wonderful against all the cold that had wrapped
around me. I replaced the scents of rain and salt with lavender and thyme. I
washed my hair four times more than the bottle recommended. I didn't know what
I was doing as I tried to wash away the memories of this evening. I didn't
truly believe that my shampoo and conditioner really had that kind of power. I
took my time shaving my legs, letting the water beat against my back working
against the remaining tension that had taken shelter there. The water had run
cold by the time I got out. I brushed and blow dried my hair before slipping
into flannel pajamas that said Normal is Overrated. God, I hoped so because
today was full of not so normal things.
    I picked up my
shiny new cell phone, twirling it around in my fingers. I thumbed through the
apps tapping on Contacts. The letter J sat alone in the list. I could do
nothing but stare at it, silently willing it to produce some sort of answer for
the little display of testosterone. Giving up on any answers I set the phone
back on the bedside table. What did I expect? I could call him but what would I
say? ‘What the hell was that?’ didn't sound like a good way to keep my job. My
mind shuffled through what today held, what tomorrow may hold, and everything
else in between. The whirl of the ceiling fan held my attention as my focus
bounced from one thought to another. My emotions slammed into each other
creating odd little concoctions before exhaustion enveloped them all, sending
me to sleep. As soon as my eyes opened I knew I must be dreaming.
    My nude body lay
atop red satin sheets. The feeling was heaven. I studied the intricate design
etched into each post of the bed as I waited in anticipation. Candlelight
flickered from a large candelabrum that hung from the vaulted ceiling. I
watched as light and shadow danced across the stone walls creating their own
version of cat and mouse. Wolves bayed and growled a low song in the distance
too far away to make me worry I couldn't stop the feeling of need and
excitement that swept through me. I knew he would be mad that it had been far
too long. Like I had conjured him through thought alone, the large iron and
wood door swung open with such force that it slammed against the wall,
interrupting the light’s little game. A lean muscular man filled up the door’s
place. Blue eyes that glowed with anger pinned me to the bed extinguishing any
urge to run or cry out. My mind screamed a warning to run, but my body grew
warm with lust in betrayal. Sebastian stalked towards me, radiating with danger
and pent up need. The deep scowl directly opposed his hard length. He must be fighting
the same battle that I am.
    He put himself
above me using his arms and legs as a cage. The predator had caught his prey.
His nude body pulsed in time with the flickering flames and his hair still up
in that damn braid hung down, just barely caressing my skin. His eyes were all
consuming; I watched as they captured the firelight giving them the illusion of
fire on the water’s edge. My body trembled for his touch but I knew that I had
to wait. He fisted a handful of my hair, jerking my head. My body refused to
acknowledge the pain as he brought my body up to meet his. He sheathed himself
fully inside of me. There was no need for foreplay; I was already wet

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