A Shifter Christmas
    His body molded against hers, his muscles
taut, and a growl rumbled from deep inside him. His tongue went
deeper, exploring every inch of her mouth, their teeth clashing as
their kiss reached a fevered pitch.
    She was dazed when his mouth left hers and a
hand grasped the back of her head, forcing her neck to the side.
She was panting as his nose slid along her throat and down the
curve of her neck, onto her shoulder. This is it, he is going to
bite me and make me his mate!
    She felt a slight pressure, and then he
pulled away and her world literally turned upside down. Her breath
left in a rush as he hoisted her over his shoulder and with long,
sure strides, went to her bedroom.
    "Clothes off," his voice was low, guttural,
as he yanked his own T-shirt off and started on his jeans buttons,
kicking his boots across the room.

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