A Secret Fate
the beach. She said you can still return it and get something else, even though it’s engraved.”
    The door closed, leaving Addie alone with her sorrow once again. She opened the box, pulled out the necklace and read the inscription on the back of the gold heart. “Forever Friends.” Addie smiled. She couldn’t have picked a better gift. Breena was going to love this. Yeah, she’d go to the party, but she honestly didn’t know how she would muster the courage to face them without breaking down, sobbing. She hadn’t seen Breena since Maia’s wedding. One of the last things Breena said to her before leaving was, “Please don’t cry,” and that’s really all Addie had been doing for the past two weeks, on and off. When she’d given Breena a hug goodbye, knowing full well that through the little girl’s empathy gift Breena would receive all the sorrow Addie felt for Cael’s disappearance, Addie let the grief flow into the child. She closed her eyes at the vision. “I am such a horrible person. Poor Breena.” All she’d wanted was to help. Breena blamed herself for Cael’s disappearance because she didn’t catch the bullet Finn shot into Gerry’s shoulder. My God, catch a bullet? Who can do that? Breena could and had managed to stopone of the bullets with her hand, deflecting it into a large limb in a nearby oak tree. The branch split with a thundering snap that reverberated through the forest as part of the tree hit the ground, sending splinters, leaves and dirt into the air. Yeah, Breena had some extraordinary powers. Oh, God. And then I gave her all my sadness on top of her own guilt.
    Addie placed her face in her hands.
    “I’m a mess, Cael,” she whispered into the stillness of the room, a room so ghostly still since he’d been gone. Her mind and soul possessed a similar emptiness now that she couldn’t hear his thoughts or feel him in her head. “I miss you so, so much. Why can’t you hear me? Why can’t we communicate anymore? I know you’re not … gone from this world. That I know. I do feel that … here.” She placed her hand over her heart as the single tear dripped down her cheek. Tired of crying, tired of the stabbing pain in her heart, she wanted to feel something else, anything else, but the only thing she had was her powers. She held out her hands and felt the heat generate through them and up her arms. She closed her eyes, willing the fire to take control.

Chapter 4
    Cael tossed and turned, kicking the thin sheet from his legs before jolting awake. He bolted upright and gasped. He’d never seen anything like that before in a dream. A quick scan of the room reminded him of where he was. At least he remembered that. He hoped he hadn’t screamed aloud. The last thing he needed was Finn barging in to find him squealing like a girl from a damn dream. Sinking back down against the pillow with his arm draped across his forehead, his entire body clammy and dripping with sweat. Cael squeezed his eyes shut. He quickly blinked them back open as he realized he had a hard-on.
    The erection pulsing on top of his stomach wasn’t all that abnormal, but the dream that got it that way was. There was a woman, a beautiful woman with long gorgeous brown hair. She wore a sheer white gown that clung to curves in all the right places. Except … except she was on fire. Or was she? Her face had been blurry, unrecognizable … but the fire wasn’t burning her. It was almost as if she controlled the flames.
    “Jesus.” What the hell did it mean? Was she someone he was supposed to remember? He didn’t know anyone who could withstand burning when covered in flames. Not even Ristéard could do that.
    Over the past two weeks, Cael and Finn spent almost every waking hour together. Their lack of passports kept Finn from leaving the island but Cael still wanted to stick close to him, if for no other reason than the fact that he was the only familiar person around and he was in the

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