A Question of Impropriety

Read A Question of Impropriety for Free Online

Book: Read A Question of Impropriety for Free Online
Authors: Michelle Styles
    â€˜Why go to London in the first place?’
    â€˜My father had his heart set on brilliant matches for his children. My late sister-in-law’s mother advised him to send me down there. I was to share the Season with her niece. Unfortunately the girl became ill and was forced to abandon the project. My father determinedly pressed ahead.’
    â€˜Did your father take the disgrace well?’
    â€˜My father died of lung fever, in the same epidemic that took Jayne. He never knew. When my brother’s letterarrived, my duty to return to Northumberland was clear.’ Even as she said the words, she knew they were a half-truth at best. Simon’s letter demanding her return had been a godsend, a chance to lick her wounds and to dedicate her life to being sensible and calm. It was wrong of her to think that their deaths had been providence, however much it felt that way. ‘I learnt my lesson the hard way, and have no regrets.’
    â€˜No regrets.’ His eyes swept down her body, lingered on the neckline. ‘That is good. I had worried. Songbird would not have wanted it.’
    She paused and smoothed out the lines of her green round grown. ‘Is there some other reason you called, Lord Coltonby? Surely it is not to reminisce over departed friends. I have turned my face towards the future. Life has been good to me.’
    â€˜Your book, Miss Clare, as you did not call for it. I felt certain you had need of it now that you were safely home.’
    â€˜My book.’ Diana stared at the volume and then back Lord Coltonby. ‘Of course, my book.’
    She reached out to take it and their fingers touched. A small shock jolted her arm and she fumbled with the book, sending it tumbling towards the ground. Brett smoothly caught it and placed it gently on the small table.
    â€˜I had expected you to send a note, as you held the advantage,’ he said into the silence.
    â€˜I had no wish to trouble you or your servants with such a trifling matter,’ Diana breathed.
    â€˜And here I thought you would want to see me again.’ His eyes became hooded. ‘We have unfinished business, you and I.’
    â€˜We have no business.’ Diana cleared her throat, ready to send him on his way, before she asked him to stay.With every breath she took, that little reckless piece of her seemed to once again grow stronger. She had to slay it before it led her back down the road to ruin and scandal, a road she had blithely trod before. Her heart pounded in her ears.
    â€˜I intend on teaching you to drive, Miss Clare. I have no wish to discover the roads cluttered with all manner of gigs and carriage simply because of your in attention.’
    â€˜It will not happen again, I can assure you. In any case surely you will not remain in the neighbourhood for long. A few weeks at most.’
    â€˜You know my schedule? Intriguing. Is this some party piece of yours? Or do you wish me ill?’
    â€˜Sir Cuthbert always complained of being buried in the country side,’ she said quickly to cover her faux pas. ‘He only spent a little time here each year.’
    â€˜I am hardly Sir Cuthbert. His figure is far more rotund than mine. I do not think there is any danger of anyone mistaking us.’ Lord Coltonby smiled. Diana found it impossible not to answer his smile with one of her own. ‘I find the air very agreeable here.’
    â€˜On that we hold the same opinion.’
    â€˜Shall we be friends as well as neighbours? Put the past behind us?’
    Diana drew in a breath. Friendship? Since when did a man like that seek friend ship from a woman? ‘We are neighbours.’
    â€˜And how shall we celebrate this neighbourliness? How shall we seal our friend ship?’
    Diana licked her suddenly parched lips. Sealed. The back of her neck prickled as a distant memory woke. Warned her. She held out her hand. ‘As a gentleman and a lady.’
    He regarded her hand,

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