A Pound of Flesh: Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse
had led into battle, along with the Ghost Hawk crew that had
ferried them into hell’s maw, seven men in all, hoisted black SCAR
rifles to their shoulders and fired a single volley. After
repeating the ritual three consecutive times the solemn twenty-one
gun salute concluded, leaving the lonely corner of the airbase
cloaked in silence. And then quietly, each lost in their own
thoughts, the soldiers took turns shoveling dirt onto the
    “Cowboy deserves more than this anonymous
patch of dirt in the corner of a fucking Air Force base,”
Lopez stated angrily. “ Vaquero deserves a grande statue in his honor.”
    “I agree with you Lopez. But you and I both
know that no one’s going to be laid to rest in Arlington anytime soon,” Cade stressed. “This is the best that I could do on such short notice.”
    “I concur Boss, I saw Washington D.C. with my
own eyes from a Black Hawk at five hundred feet. Nothing but
walking demonios there now,” Lopez said as he performed the
sign of the cross.
    Drawn in by the Osprey’s arrival and the
ritual gunfire, two more walkers arrived outside the wire. As the
chaplain began his only prayer, one of the Zs emitted a low
plaintive wail as if to protest the Catholic ritual.
    Leaving Brook’s side, Cade broke ranks and
double-timed it to the fence, drawing his Glock along the way. Then
with his arm outstretched, the semiautomatic pistol bucked rapidly
four times. Before the sharp reports subsided, the two rotting
interlopers hinged over and crashed to the desert floor dead for
the second time.
    Cade trudged the twenty yards and regained
his spot between his wife and daughter.
    The chaplain surveyed those in attendance
before reciting the final petition prayer. “May his soul and the
souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in
    Cade closed his eyes in order to reflect on
the events that had occurred over the last few days. Adhering to
Mike’s wishes by not allowing Annie and the twins a chance to see
his corpse was one the most difficult and conflicting orders Cade
had ever been asked to follow. That he did so without hesitation
was a testament to the high regard he held the man even in
    Mike Desantos abhorred attention, shunned the
limelight, and never accepted accolades; instead he deflected any
praise onto his men. It was his opinion that war stories were for
drunks and liars. He told Annie he didn’t want the words of
warriors spoken at his funeral and she made it known ahead of time
to everyone present that the twenty-one gun salute and a simple
prayer would be sufficient.
    In the end, tucked away in the corner of
Schriever Air Force base, the square patch of dirt with sweeping
vistas proved to be a fitting final resting place for the larger
than life operator. Mike ‘Cowboy’ Desantos, consummate
professional, doting dad, and loving husband would be missed by all
in attendance.
    Cade stopped the Cushman outside of the mess
hall. “Are you sure you want to walk to Annie’s from here?”
    Patting her carbine Brook answered, “We’ll be
    “C’mon Mom I’m starved,” said Raven, pulling
her mom towards the door.
    Aren’t we all , Brook thought. Over the
last two days the slop the cooks were trying to pass off as food
had been barely edible.
    “Can I bring you back something Dad?”
    “No sweetie. I’ve got it covered,” Cade
replied. “And I won’t be in until after lights out... so don’t wait
    “Do we ever?” Brook intoned.
    Noting the tension, Raven cast her eyes
downward and kicked at a chip in the concrete walkway.
    Cade massaged his forehead, trying to decide
if he should further the conversation. Then his competitive genes
kicked in, settling the matter. “What are you implying?” he said,
eyebrows arched, his gaze unwavering.
    Brook silently returned the stare.
    “So we’re having one of these... right
here... right now? Can’t it wait until I get back?”
    “I might not be here

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