slid his hand down her belly, under the thin cotton of her panties.
She hissed a Yes as he slid over her clit and found the wet heat between her legs.
“That’s it. That’s what I want,” he rasped and shoved a thick finger inside her.
The forceful intrusion set her off, and she came like a rocket, crying out as pleasure shattered her. After a moment, she realized his finger remained inside her, and Thorn hadn’t moved.
“Gunny, I—”
“Not Gunny, not Thorn. Call me Bobby.”
She blinked, feeling so out of control and confused and turned on, she didn’t know what to do.
“Call me Bobby, baby. I’ll take good care of you, just the way you need it.” Then he squeezed her throat, just enough to remind her of who was in charge.
Like that, she wanted him again. This time with more than a finger inside her.
“Bobby,” she whispered.
And all hell broke loose.
Thorn hadn’t gone by his given name in years, not since Maria. He’d thought he was falling for her, and he’d loved hearing her call him Bobby, since no one but his close family did. But after her, he’d simply gone by Thorn or his rank, now Gunny. Bobby was too personal for casual hookups or even his previous attempts at relationships, because his heart hadn’t been in them.
April was different.
Hearing her say his name broke his control. He kissed her until he couldn’t think, and his finger remained trapped by her hot pussy. Taking charge of the kiss, he dragged moans and shivers from the woman all but trying to climb up his body. He kept his hand wrapped around her slender neck, not only because it turned her on, but because it aroused him like crazy.
Bobby loved rough sex. A demanding lover, he wanted an equal to put through her paces, a sexy submissive he’d have to tame time and time again. She couldn’t be easy, nor could she be a slave to his needs all the time. Bobby needed a challenge, and April Soames was it.
“Gotta be inside you,” he murmured, lost in her. He finally let go of her neck and dragged his hand from between her thighs. Watching her, he brought his wet finger to his mouth and sucked.
“Bobby,” she breathed in a daze, her teal eyes bright yet unfocused, lost in the same lust overtaking his sense. “I want you.”
He trailed his mouth down her throat, leaving tiny love bites as he went. Then he yanked her shirt over her head and stared at her bountiful breasts. “ Fuck. I love your tits. They’re so big.” He unfastened her bra and pushed it off her. As he’d imagined, she was perfectly formed. She had large rosy pink areolas surrounding plump nipples.
Without waiting a moment more, he took one in his mouth and sucked.
She clasped his head to her, scraping his scalp like a kitten stretching her claws, and he worried he’d spill before he entered her.
At the thought, he pulled back and rasped, “You on anything?”
“What?” She took his nipple in her mouth. As he’d done, she bit down, and he jerked, near to coming.
“Jesus. Hold on.” He yanked her back by the hair, knowing the sting would break through to her. Except her eyes fogged even more, and she moaned, aroused by the pain. “April, shit. Tell me. Are you on birth control?”
“Yes.” She arched her throat, and he sucked, deliberately leaving a bruise. “The pill. Though I haven’t had…sex…in two…Oh God, what are you doing to me?” She writhed under him.
“Two months?” Not that long, though it could feel like an eternity. It had been about that long for him as well. She seemed like a woman who prized her health, so he figured she’d been careful. He sure the hell had been. But they should probably talk about condoms before—
“Years,” she sighed.
He froze and pulled back. “Two years ?”
“I was busy with work and a deployment. Come on, Bobby. Kiss me.”
“Shit.” He kissed her again, laving her neck and her breasts with ardent attention. A tease into her panties showed she’d drenched them.