A Life

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Authors: Guy de Maupassant
Revelation in Maupassant's Une vie ', Studies in Philology , 60 (1963), 66984.
    Albert H. Wallace, Maupassant (New York, 1973).
    Naomi Schor, ' Une vie or the Name of the Mother', in her Breaking the Chain: Women, Theory and French Realist Fiction (New York,
    1985), 4877. A translation of ' Une vie /Des Vides ou le nom de la mère', Littérature , 26 (May 1977), 5171.
    Mary Donaldson-Evans, A Woman's Revenge: The Chronology of Dispossession in Maupassant's Fiction (Lexington, Ky., 1986). Of particular relevance to A Life .
    In French
    Standard Editions of Maupassant
    Collected Works
    Romans , ed. Louis Forestier, Bibliothèque de la Pléiade (Paris, 1987).
    Contes et nouvelles , ed. Louis Forestier, 2 vols., Bibliothèque de la Pléiade (Paris, 19749).
    OEuvres* complètes , ed. Gilbert Sigaux and Pascal Pia, 17 vols., Cercle du Bibliophile (Evreux, 196971).
    Chroniques , ed. Hubert Juin, 3 vols. (Paris, 1980). Brings together over 200 texts published between 1876 and 1891.
    Editions of Une vie
    Une vie , ed. André Fermigier, Folio Classique (Paris, 1974).
    Une vie , ed. Antonia Fonyi, GF-Flammarion (Paris, 1993).
    Armand Lanoux, Maupassant le Bel-Ami (repr. Paris, 1983).
    Henri Troyat, Maupassant (Paris, 1989).
    All biographies of Maupassant are subject to caution: solid biographical evidence is in short supply, many myths are perpetuated from one biography to the next, and undue reliance is frequently placed on Maupassant's fictions as sources of biographical information. A valuable discussion of these issues is provided by Jacques Lacarme, 'Le Maupassant de Morand ou la biographie impossible', in Maupassant et l'écriture , ed. Louis Forestier (Paris, 1993), 27183.
    Critical Studies
    Pierre Cogny, Maupassant, l'homme sans Dieu (Brussels, 1968). A valuable overview.
    Mariane Bury, La Poétique de Maupassant (Paris, 1994). An analysis of Maupassant's literary art.
    André Vial, Guy de Maupassant et l'art du roman (Paris, 1954). Still the standard work.
    On Une vie
    André Vial, La Genèse d"Une vie' premier roman de Guy de Maupassant , (Paris, 1954).
    Marcel Desportes et al. , Analyses et réflexions sur 'Une vie' de Guy de Maupassant et le pessimisme (Paris, 1979).
    François Bessire et al. (eds.), Lectures de 'Une vie' de Maupassant. Le Thème du pessimisme (Paris, 1979).
    Henri Mitterand, 'Clinique du mariage: Une vie ', in his Le Regard et le signe. Poétique du roman réaliste et naturaliste (Paris, 1987), 15967.
    Bernard Valette, Guy de Maupassant . ' Une vie ' (Paris, 1993).
    Jean-Louis Cabanès, ' Une vie ou le temps perdu', in Yves Reboul (ed.), Maupassant multiple. Actes du colloque de Toulouse 1315 décembre 1993 (Toulouse, 1995), 7986.
    Mariane Bury, ' Une vie ' de Guy de Maupassant , Collection Foliothèque (Paris, 1995). The most useful introductory guide to the novel.
    Further Reading in Oxford World's Classics
    Honoré de Balzac, Eugénie Grandet , trans. Sylvia Raphael, introduction by Christopher Prendergast.
    Gustave Flaubert, Madame Bovary , trans. Gerard Hopkins, ed. Terence Cave.
    A LIFE
    For Mme Brainne
The homage of a devoted friend,
in memory of a departed friend. * GUY DE MAUPASSANT
    Her trunks packed, Jeanne walked over to the window, but it had not stopped raining.
    All night long the downpour had rattled on the rooftiles and against the window-panes. The lowering, water-laden sky seemed to have burst asunder and to be emptying itself onto the land, thinning the soil to a pap and dissolving it like sugar. Squalls of warm, heavy air gusted intermittently. The sluicing gurgle of overflowing drains filled the deserted streets, where the houses stood, like sponges, soaking up the penetrating moisture that made their walls sweat with damp from cellar to attic.
    Jeanne, having left the convent on the previous day and being now at last forever free, ready to reach out for all the good things in life of which she had so long been

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