A Killer's Watch
Torrent had a
laptop in her room, and her mom said that she has a smart phone, which is
missing. Odds are good that Allison has the same. Our perp could be finding
them online, if they visit the same chat rooms, websites, whatever. I’ll get
Anna on it,” Jeri grabbed her phone, sent a lengthy text to Anna.
    “Surely the police are already on this, at least for the
individual girls. Now that we have a likely second victim, similarities can
begin to surface.”
    “I doubt that the cops are even considering that these two
cases are connected. We’ll find the similarities before they even know to
    “True. Why don’t you call Monique, give her an update. She
and Chloe can head over to Breville, start working on the list Anna compiles.”
    “There’s no shortage of perverts to check out, that’s for
certain,” Jeri glanced up before making the call. “We need a break in this
case, if Shelby or Allison have a prayer for survival.”
    “Do you mind if we take a look in Allison’s room?” Jeri
asked Trudy Wells. The woman’s attempts to be stoic were interrupted by
frequent bouts of hysteria. Jeri waited for a calm moment, before making her
    “Of course, but the police have already been there. They
took her laptop, and her diary. Allison will hate that!” Tears began to well
    “Allison will be grateful, if those things help us find
her,” Jeri tried to sound reassuring.
    “Yes, yes, that’s a good way to look at it. Right this way.”
Stoic once again, Trudy led Jeri and Ethan up the stairs and down a short
hallway. The door to Allison’s room stood open.
    “I just can’t, not yet, but you go ahead,” Trudy told them,
hesitating near the doorway.
    “Of course, thank you,” Jeri replied, sympathetically. “We
won’t be long.”
    The bed was missing a canopy, and mint green, not pink, was
the primary color, but save those exceptions, Allison’s room was eerily similar
to Shelby’s. Both girls embraced their femininity, had crushes on the same
stars, and had a desk, surely meant for studying, but currently covered in more
knick-knacks than books. The space where Allison’s laptop sat was obvious, as
it was the only clear spot on the desktop.
    Ethan headed for the desk while Jeri moved to the closet.
Opening the door, she was surprised to find a girl, sitting in the middle of
the closet floor, surrounded by discarded clothes, crying her eyes out.
    “Hi,” Jeri said softly, kneeling down to speak with her.
    “It’s all my fault,” the girl wailed, grabbing onto Jeri’s
    “What’s your fault,” Jeri kept her voice soft and soothing
as she sat beside the girl.
    “Allison is gone, and it’s all my fault. I left her at the
c-c-c-club,” the girl hiccupped the response through a barrage of tears.
    “You must be Sandy, Allison’s best friend,” Jeri patted the
girl’s arm as she spoke.
    Sandy nodded, then covered her face with both hands.
    “Some best friend,” she cried. “I left her there. I knew
better, but I did it anyway. Now she’s gone…”
    “Sandy, listen to me,” Jeri kept her voice stern, but
steady. “It is not your fault that Allison is missing. But I could use
your help to find her. Do you think you can do that? Can you help me?”
    Lowering her hands, Sandy looked at Jeri, long and hard,
while the tears slowed.
    “How?” she finally asked.
    “By talking to me. By telling me everything you remember
about last night, and everything you know about Allison’s life. What do you
say, will you help us?” Jeri sensed Ethan’s presence in the doorway, but
Sandy’s eyes widening , as she looked up , clinched the fact that he had joined them.
    “I’m Jeri, that’s Ethan. We want to find Allison, but we
need information. Information that you might have.”
    “Sure, I’ll tell you whatever you want to know.” Sandy had
not looked away from Ethan. Jeri could hardly blame her.
    “Good. Can we go downstairs, talk in the living

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