A Killer's Watch
house, and subsequently spent the night there as well. No one
knew that she was missing until she didn’t come home after school today.”
    “Pretty typical teenage stunt,” Jeri commented. “Did she go
to the club alone?”
    “No, her friend, Sandra Hunt, met her there, then left
before she did. Police found her car at the club, but no sign of a struggle, or
of Allison.”
    “Looks like we’re about thirty minutes away,” Ethan told
him. “Let us know if you hear anything else.”
    “Yep,” Dylan answered, then paused. “My gut is telling me
that this is our guy. Two girls, same age range, missing within days of each
other can’t be a coincidence.”
    “Nope, it’s no coincidence,” Jeri agreed. “I’m with you,
he’s moved on to his primary targets now.”
    “Any luck tracking the convicted pedophiles in the area?”
Dylan asked, hopefully.
    “Not yet. There are a few we haven’t spoken with in Iowa,
but so far, everyone has an alibi. Same goes for the Kansas pervs Monique and
Chloe have interviewed.” Ethan programmed the Well’s address into the
navigational system as he spoke.
    “It’s entirely possible that he’s not in the system, that
these are his first kills,” Jeri added.
    “These may not be his first kills, but you can bet that he
didn’t just wake up last week and decide that he liked teenage girls. I’ll run
a search for misdemeanor crimes, like peeping toms and such, which fit the
profile. May end up giving you guys more legwork, but it could pay off.”
    “At this point, we’ll take what we can get. Thanks, Dylan.”
    “No problem. I’ll be in touch.”
    “Two girls in two days, this guy is not wasting any time,”
Ethan commented as he turned the car around. “If he’s holding them both, he’ll
need privacy as well as room to have his fun.”
    “Didn’t you say that Anson frequently used abandoned warehouses
as kill rooms? In the Bayou, and Charleston, he upgraded to private homes. So,
I suppose his watcher would follow suit.”
    “Yes, warehouses, abandoned buildings of any kind, really.
It wasn’t until he came to the States that he started buying houses for the
    “With the amount of farmland in the area, old buildings are
plentiful. So are homes with acres of privacy. He could be anywhere,” Jeri
tapped her fingers on the armrest.
    “Until we have a better handle on his home base, there’s no
use in searching for his location, which could be a serious waste of time.”
    “Agreed. I hate to say it, but we’ll know more when he dumps
another body.” Shades of disgust colored Jeri’s words.
    “What are the odds he’ll go back to Clevestone?  I mean, he
has to know that the locals are on high alert for anything suspicious.”
    “That may be true, but there are plenty of back roads, and
stretches of empty highway, in and around Clevestone, that he could dump the
body with little risk.”
    “Still, it will be telling if he continues to use
    “Yes, it will,” Jeri flipped open her tablet. “Going under
the assumption that the first two women were practice kills, I’m eliminating
Topeka from the triangulation. Using Clevestone and Marsville, in Kansas,
Smathers in Nebraska, and Appleton in Iowa, we can pinpoint a more accurate
location for his home base.”
    Drawing lines between the towns on her tablet, Jeri
pinpointed a section ofKansas, near the Iowa
    “We’ll focus the search for known pedophiles, as well as misdemeanors
relating to the crimes, to a twenty - mile radius
around Breville, Kansas.”
    “Never heard of it,” Ethan commented.
    “Neither have I, but it’s as good a place to start as any,”
Jeri told him. “We have to find common ground between the missing girls. How is
he targeting them? What do they have in common?”
    “They’re both teenagers, for one. Don’t they all do the same
things, like thrive on social media, shop, and go to school?”
    “Social media. That’s where we start. Shelby

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