A Holiday Proposal

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Book: Read A Holiday Proposal for Free Online
Authors: Kimberly Rose Johnson
friendship, and I really appreciate you coming to lunch today, but that’s where it stops. I didn’t mean to lead you on, and I’m sorry.”
    “Is this about that Matthew guy? Do the two of you have something going on? I saw how he looked at you.”
    Holly blinked. Now, why would he think that? “Our friendship has nothing whatsoever to do with Matthew. I knew him in high school. His sister and mine were best friends.”
    “Fine. Thanks for the call. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
    The dial tone buzzed in her ear. She hung up and joined Susan on the sofa. “Well, that wasn’t as difficult as I expected.”
    “Then what’s the frown about? Regrets?”
    “No. He said something about Matthew.”
    “Who’s Matthew? Oh, wait. That must be the guy from high school you mentioned to Todd.”
    “Exactly.” Men. She crossed her arms and shook her head. “This is why I don’t want to get involved in a relationship. They’re distracting, and I need to focus on my job.” She’d made that mistake before. She couldn’t let a man get in the way ever again. Her supervisor’s threat rang clear in her mind. She needed to stay focused or she’d be looking for another job, and more than likely it wouldn’t be in the medical profession if she was fired from her first nursing position.
    “Well, it sounds like you’re trying your best. I’m sure you’ll excel at work, and in no time you’ll be leaving our tiny town for a bigger hospital.”
    Holly shrugged. She hadn’t considered leaving Leavenworth. It was home. Something about the music that virtually always played in the village and the festive atmosphere that surrounded the place made it warm and inviting, even when it was twenty degrees outside.
    No, she’d like to stay put, but someday she wanted to be the charge nurse, and in order for that to happen she needed to maintain her focus. Matthew’s troubled blue eyes and tender concern flitted into her thoughts, but she quickly pushed them aside. No more thinking about men.

Chapter 5
    M idmorning on Monday, Holly walked into Mrs. Nelson’s room to the sound of Perry Mason playing on the television. “Good morning. How are you feeling?”
    “Better. You think the doc will let me out of here soon?”
    Holly grinned. “What’s the matter? You sick of us already?” She took the blood pressure cuff from where it was strapped to the wall and wrapped it around her patient’s arm. “Your numbers are improving, Mrs. Nelson.” She gave the woman’s hand a light squeeze, then wrote her vitals on her chart. “Lunch will be here soon.”
    The elderly patient made a face. “You call that food? Whatever happened to chicken-fried steak or something with a little substance? All the fruits and vegetables this place serves are liable to send me to an early grave.”
    Holly bit her bottom lip to keep from laughing. “Now, Mrs. Nelson, you know it’s important to eat right to get your blood pressure down and ease the strain on your heart.”
    “Posh.” The woman waved a hand. “I’m ninety years old. You don’t think I know how to take care of myself. My ticker is working just fine now.”
    The older woman was right. Her heart had responded well to the meds, and since she’d been here, her blood pressure had dropped to normal. “Tell you what. I’ll speak with your doctor, and if he agrees, you can choose whatever you like off the menu for dinner.”
    Mrs. Nelson flashed a grin. “Now you’re talking. You’re a good girl, Holly. Thank you.” She rested her head back and closed her eyes. “Think I’ll take a catnap. You mind shutting off the tube?”
    Holly punched off the TV, then slipped from the room and spotted Todd speaking with one of her coworkers at the nurse’s station. She strolled over and bumped shoulders with him. “Long time no see.”
    “Hey, there.” He raised a hand, then shifted so his back faced her and continued talking with the other nurse.
    How rude. Had her rejection of more than

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