A Hero In Uniform - The Complete Series
her slightly swollen belly and ignored her question, asking one of his own. “Are you pregnant?”
    Kelley rubbed the evidence of what Ronald had done to her and nodded, telling the federal agent, “I am.”
    “ How far along are you?”
    “ Just over three months.”
    “ Who's the father?” Michael almost demanded.
    His anger was understandable; if Kelley had gotten pregnant to the brother of the man they were hunting, that could seriously complicate things.
    But she put his mind at ease when she held his gaze and stated, “Ronald.”
    “ Oh. I'm sorry to hear that.”
    “ You're not the only one, Agent Blake.”
    She invited them into the house just as Daniel came in from helping his father out in the paddocks. He looked at the man next to Kelley and put two-and-two together.
    “ You're the man responsible for relocating Kelley.”
    “ Michael Blake, AFP.”
    “ Daniel Coleman, RAN.”
    The two men shook hands as they were joined Daniels parents. But Michael ignored them as he looked at the man in front of him and demanded, “Why did you move Miss Harmon from her location in Cairns?”
    “ For protection.”
    “ On whose authority?”
    “ Mine.”
    “ You could have seriously jeopardised her safety, Coleman, not to mention this case.”
    Kelley stepped in then and said, “Agent Blake, how about we get to the more pressing issue at hand instead of discussing what Lieutenant Coleman should or shouldn't have done?” She placed her hands on her hips and added, “After all, he is the one who took me away from Ronald before he had a chance to do anything.”
    Michael consented and told them the plan that was being put into effect until they got more Intel on where Ronald was. “Agents will posted around the property, with others located inside the house and others doing patrols between dark spots every thirty minutes. I'll be in here with you all, and a lock-down will begin at 2100 hours and end at 0630 hours.”
    Yvette frowned and asked, “What does that mean?”
    “ It means no one can leave or enter the house or the property between nine o'clock at night and six-thirty in the morning.” Daniel explained to his mother.
    Michael came in with more then, saying, “In order for this to work, everyone needs to co-operate.”
    “ And what happens if Kelley needs the doctor?” Daniel asked.
    “ We'll figure that out when it happens, Coleman.” Michael said.
    Kelley looked at Michael and said, “We'll see how effective your plan works when Ronald decides to drop in for a little murder.”
    Because the question wasn't if Ronald would show up. 
    It was a question of when? 

    Kelley was going into her second trimester and she was getting angry at the strangest times while experiencing the weirdest cravings that kept her up at all hours of the night.
    Daniel thought she was a trooper for not letting the presence of more then a dozen federal agents get to her.
    It was ten o'clock, just after lock-down of the second night, and they were in his room. Daniel was giving her a shoulder massage while she went over the contents of the bag they'd need to grab when she went into labour in five months.
    “ Can you hold this for a second?” Kelley asked, holding up a baby blanket.
    Daniel took it, marvelling at how small it was. It was so soft and it smelt like a baby had already been wrapped in it. “Was this yours?”
    Kelley shook her head and said, “No. It was yours.”
    “ Really?” Daniel looked at the blanket again. “This was mine?”
    “ Yeah. Your Mum gave it to me.” She stopped what she was doing and looked at him over her shoulder as she asked, “Is that okay?”
    He kissed the tip of her nose and said, “It's fine, babe.”
    Kelley smiled against his mouth when he kissed her on the lips and murmured, “If you keep doing that, I'm never going

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