A Hard Bargain

Read A Hard Bargain for Free Online

Book: Read A Hard Bargain for Free Online
Authors: Ashe Barker
Tags: Fiction, General, Erótica, Romance, Contemporary
And I do something incredible too, something I’d never have thought I could even contemplate doing. Ever. I turn to him, and I run at him. I throw my arms around him and I hug him. His arms close around me briefly before I step back, sedately, and offer him my hand to shake. Sensitive as well as powerful, my gesture of gratitude is not lost on Nicholas Hardisty. He takes my hand, nods to me politely, his softly murmured “You’re welcome” proving beyond any doubt that he gets it. Gets me. Then, it’s back to the business in hand.
    “Now, little wannabe sub, on the bench please. Let’s see what you’re made of.”

Chapter Two
    “Do you want to see the paddle I intend to use?” The cool, matter-of-fact voice is coming from right alongside me.
    He’s very close, I can feel him, the whisper of his jeans, the movement of air as he positions himself.
    I shake my head, pressing my face into the buttery soft leather padding on the top of the spanking bench. I’m already positioned, have been for the last few minutes as he’s once more taken his time and made me wait. I’m lying face down, bent at the waist, my feet on the floor and my upper body pressed into the leather. It feels warm against my naked breasts, not unpleasant at all. Just—strange. My arms are outstretched and I’m gripping the far end of the bench tightly. Under clear and direct instructions not to move, I’m acutely conscious of my bare buttocks, exposed and vulnerable, the rear string of the thong my only passing nod at modesty. And all the time I’ve been listening, listening to Nicholas Hardisty moving about the room, listening to him opening one of the cabinets, then another one, obviously selecting which items he intends to use tonight. On me.
    “In that case, I insist that you do look. Open your eyes, little sub.”
    I frown, shake my head again, quickly. Why can’t he just get on with it, get it over with, and let me go?
    “That was not a request, and I won’t tell you again.” His tone is hard, firm, implacable.
    I have no choice but to obey. He’s standing to my right when I open my eyes and find myself staring at a point just below his belt buckle, not more than six inches from my face. From what I can see, he has an erection, quite impressive, and I’m glad about that, it shows he’s not unmoved by my naked presence spread out before him. He lets me look my fill for a few moments before stepping back. He was holding the paddle behind his back while I ogled his erect cock, but now he brings it around, holding it loosely between his two hands.
    “Have you felt one of these before? On your bare arse, obviously?”
    I look at the instrument, gulping a little—it looks huge. And weighty. I shake my head.
    “This one’s made of rubber. It’s quite flexible, and it’s heavy. It delivers a sharp sting, very painful while it’s being applied, but the pain won’t last long afterwards. You’ll be able to walk out of here a few minutes later. You’re quite small, delicate build, and this particular paddle is at the top end of what you might be able to stand. But this is a punishment beating, you know that. It’s meant to hurt. I won’t be gentle with you, but I’ll do you no lasting damage either. You will struggle, especially toward the end, but you should be able to cope. And you have your wristbands—use them if you need to.”
    He strolls around to the other side of the bench, and I follow him with my eyes, turning my face to keep him in sight. He stops by my left shoulder and I can feel his eyes raking along my body, assessing. At last, he pronounces his judgment. “You have a pretty little body, Miss Stone, curvy and soft. A little on the small side, perhaps, but still very pretty. And you’ll look even prettier when I’ve brought out the delicate reds and pinks in your sweet little bum cheeks. You’ll be receiving twenty strokes…”
    I flinch—twenty! With that huge paddle! I’d thought maybe twelve at most. He

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