A Devious Lot (Antiques & Collectibles Mysteries Book 5)

Read A Devious Lot (Antiques & Collectibles Mysteries Book 5) for Free Online

Book: Read A Devious Lot (Antiques & Collectibles Mysteries Book 5) for Free Online
Authors: Ellery Adams, Parker Riggs
Tags: Romance, Mystery, England, cozy, Murder, antiques, honeymoon, brooch
it to me as a gift, and that means it’s mine. I have every right to keep it, sell it, or throw it away. Don’t you agree?”
    Molly kept her mouth firmly shut. The last thing she wanted to do was get in the middle of what appeared to be an ongoing argument.
    Giles said, “Excuse me, I’m standing right here. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t talk about me as if I’m not in the room.” He paused. “I’m tired of arguing about this. Get it appraised, if you want, and name the price. I’ll pay it.”
    Tiffany smiled triumphantly and slipped the box into her purse. “I’ll stop by the shop to discuss the price. Have your checkbook ready,” she said. “And don’t pout. It’s an ugly look on you.”
    “You’ve gotten exactly what you want,” Giles said. “So take a bow and go away.”
    “Why should I? I’d love some tea and cake.”
    Brenda clapped her hands, startling everyone. “Enough,” she said. “Tiffany, I will not allow my guests to be subjected any longer to your rantings and uncouth behavior. You should be ashamed of yourself. If you don’t leave right now, I will call the police.”
    Tiffany laughed. “You have a lot of nerve calling me uncouth. You’ve always been a nasty piece of work. You wouldn’t even be living in this house if your husband hadn’t ripped off so many gullible people with his crappy cars. You live in a make-believe world, Brenda, and one of these days, it’s all going to come crashing down around you.”
    Giles took a step toward her. “Leave now, before I throw you out!” he yelled.
    Tiffany hooked her Gucci purse over her shoulder. Molly noticed Penelope was sitting quietly on the settee, staring out the window, as if she wanted to jump right through it and run for the hills.
    Tiffany sauntered past Giles, and Molly heard her say, “I’ll be in touch. Get ready to pay.”

Chapter 3
    Early the next morning, Molly crept downstairs alone. She intended to read the newspaper and have a cup of coffee before anyone else got up. Opening the front door, the air smelled sweet and clean, and the bushes and trees were wet. It had rained overnight. The newspaper was wrapped in a plastic bag and thrown halfway up the path. Too far to reach without shoes. Leaving the door open, Molly turned to slip them on.
    Gingersnap ran into the foyer behind her. The cat’s paws and fur were wet, and her eyes looked huge.
    “Well, good morning,” Molly said
    “Hush,” Molly scolded. “Not so loud. You’ll wake everyone.”
    “If you don’t stop, I’ll send you home.”
    “Okay, fine,” Molly huffed. “Have it your way.”
    Gingersnap ran into the sitting room.
    Molly went in after her. “Really? You think you can escape? I hate to break it to you, but I’ve got a lot of experience with cats.” She got down on her knees and Gingersnap came over to her tentatively. The second she was within arm’s reach, Molly grabbed her and picked her up. “I warned you.” She took her outside and set her down on the path. But before she could close the door, Gingersnap ran back into the house.
    Molly frowned. “What’s wrong with you?”
    Gingersnap stared at her from the doorway. “Yow!”
    “Go home. Come back later, when everyone is awake.
    Gingersnap sat down on her haunches and licked her paw. Molly picked up the newspaper and went into the house. The cat moved out of reach. She was a fast learner.
    “Are you afraid to go home alone?” She looked out at the quiet street. She hadn’t seen a car, and no one was walking a dog. All she could see was White Dove Cottage down the road, and nothing stirred there. “If there’s a dog or fox on the loose, I can protect you,” Molly said. She got her jacket from the closet. Gingersnap was watching her skeptically. “Come on, scaredy-cat,” she said.
    To her surprise, Gingersnap went out the door and trotted down the path. As Molly followed her to Tiffany’s

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