A Brig of War
marine drummer to beat the rafale; not many officers to go round once the gunner had disappeared into his magazine and Lestock and Drinkwater had come aft to the quarterdeck. There was a quarter gunner to each section and a master’s mate at either battery. Second Lieutenant Rogers was in overall command of the engaged side with Mr Quilhampton (nominally a ‘servant’ on the ship’s books, but fulfilling the function of a midshipman) as his messenger. Dalziell, the only midshipman officially allowed the brig, commanded the firemen, two men from each gun who assisted each other to extinguish any fires started by an enemy. Drinkwater himself commanded the boarders while Lestock attended to the sails. Under the first lieutenant’s command were the men in the tops, sail trimming topmen and a detail of sharpshooters, seamen picked from a competition held weeks earlier in the Downs, and mostly landsmen whose past included either service in the sea fencibles, the volunteers or in a longer feud with their local gamekeepers.
    Drinkwater glanced aloft to where Tregembo as captain of the maintop touched his forehead and a man named Kellet acknowledged his section alert in the foretop. He uncovered to Griffiths. ‘Main battery made ready, sir. I’ll check below.’
    ‘Very good.’
    It was only a formality. Below her upper deck Hellebore’s accommodation, stores and hold consisted of ‘platforms’ set at various levels according to the breadth of the hull available at each given point. Her berth space, above the main hold, was no more than five feet deep. In the gloom of the hammock space he found the carpenter with his two mates, their tools and a bag of shot plus. ‘All correct Mr Johnson?’ The man grinned. His creased features and his Liverpool accent reminded Drinkwater of Kestrel and the same Johnson hacking the anchor warp as they beat off the French coast one desperate night two years earlier. ‘All correct, Mr Drinkwater.’
    He passed on, descending a further ladder to where, whistling quietly to himself Mr Appleby presided over his opened case of gruesome instruments, the lantern light gleaming dully on his crowbills, saws, daviers and demi-lunes. His two mates sat on the upturned tubs provided for the amputated limbs honing surgical knives. A casual air prevailed that annoyed Drinkwater when compared to the deck above. He raised an eyebrow at Appleby who nodded curtly back conveying all his professional hostility to the rival profession of arms that made his presence in the septic stink of the hold necessary. Drinkwater proceeded aft, beneath the officers’ quarters where, in less than four feet of headroom, lay the magazine. Trussel’s face peered at him through the slit in the felt curtain.
    ‘Ready Mr Trussel?’
    ‘Aye, sir, ready when you are.’ His ugly face was illuminated by fiercely gleaming yellow eyes that caught the light from the protected lanterns and Drinkwater was reminded of a remark of Appleby’s when he was dissecting the physiognomy of his messmates. ‘Yon’s arse spends so much time six inches from powdered eternity that it’s bound to have an effect on the features.’ The gunner’s bizarre head, disembodied by the felt, was reflected in the awesome apprehension of the quartet of powder monkeys, boys of eight or nine who crouched ready to bear the cartridges, hot-potato like, to the guns above.
    Drinkwater returned to the hammock space, passing the cook and his assistant in the galley standing amid the steam generated by the extinguishing of the fire and the purser at his post by the washdeck pump. He blinked at the brightness of the daylight after the gloom of the brig’s nether regions.
    ‘Ship cleared for action, sir,’ he reported.
    ‘Very well. Mr Rogers, larboard broadside, run in and load. Three rounds rapid fire, single ball.’
    ‘Aye, aye, sir.’
    Drinkwater watched Rogers draw his sword with a flourish watched little Quilhampton run to the after grating and call

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