A Beautiful Prison

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Book: Read A Beautiful Prison for Free Online
Authors: Jenika Snow
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance
dress for dinner.” She turned and looked at him, but fear closed off her throat and swelled her tongue. At that moment she couldn’t have responded even if he had asked her something directly. She didn’t know what he had planned, but it seemed she had the rest of her life to figure it out. Whatever this evil bastard was going to do to her would surely not be something that she would ever want. He was holding her prisoner, keeping her here to probably be his little sex slave. Why else would a man have to purchase a woman? But he was gorgeous in his own right. Why would he need to resort to buying someone that had been kidnapped? But all she had to do to feel the darkness in him was look in his blue eyes. They almost seemed void of life, and she had glimpsed another presence within him. She had a sickening realization that this was only the very beautiful surface of a monster.
    She didn’t say anything, just stared at him. He had a very stoic expression but she wasn’t fooled into thinking his guard was down in the slightest. There he stood in his dark suit with his hands behind his back and his feet slightly parted. He looked very intimidating, controlled, and like he had everything planned out. But of course he did.
    “There are clothes your size in the armoire and dresser, and the bathroom is over there.” He pointed at a closed door to his left. “You are old enough to clean and dress yourself, but I have two servants that are here at all times to tend to the house. If you need anything you have but to ask.” He slowly let his eyes move up and down her body, and she crossed her arms over her chest when she felt her nipples harden. She was far from aroused, but the sight of him was almost as powerful as if he was reaching out and actually touching her. “I’m sure you have a lot of questions, but those will be answered later. Right now you’re filthy, and I want you clean and looking presentable.” She swallowed at his words. “You are my property, Princess, and as such will obey any and everything I say. That is the first rule.” He took a step closer, and she moved one back. This dark look covered his face and he shook his head. “The second rule is that you never deny me.” He stopped in front of her, but she had nowhere to go anyway. The bed was behind her, and no way in hell was she going to get on that just to get away from him. He would probably take that as an invitation to use her body, and that was not going to happen.
    “Do you plan on hurting me?” she asked again, since he hadn’t answered her the first time. Again, he didn’t respond right away, but instead lifted his hand. Ruby tensed and watched as he moved that hand closer to her.
    He lifted a piece of her hair off her shoulder and looked at it, rubbing it between his fingers. He slowly moved his gaze away from her hair and looked at her face. “You are very pretty. Very beautiful, in fact.” He said the words low and deep as he looked in her eyes, but she wasn’t fooled by this seemingly gentle disposition. This man was a demon intent on hurting her.
    “Will you hurt me?” Ruby asked again. She would continue to do so until he answered her.
    He titled his head slightly to the side and seemed to study her. “Tell me your name.” She shook her head. She wouldn’t give any part of herself to him. Not one damn part. When she didn’t answer he moved the hand that held her hair to her throat. It was a loose hold, but the threat was there. He could have snapped her neck, or strangled her without so much as breaking a sweat. “Have you forgotten the rules already, Princess? Obey everything I say.” He lifted a dark eyebrow, but otherwise kept a very hard composure. “Now, I will only ask you once more, and if you disobey I promise you will not like my reaction.”
    Ruby felt sweat bead her forward, knew her eyes were as big as saucers, and felt the strength she had wanted to hold onto crumble. She was weak, so frightened of what he

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