A Beautiful Prison

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Book: Read A Beautiful Prison for Free Online
Authors: Jenika Snow
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance
course he wasn’t talking about a literal monster inside of him, but there were many days when he felt as though the evil and darkness that he tried to control were stronger than he was. Purchasing her had been a very good idea, but also a very bad idea. He regretted nothing, though, and his actions were always calculated.
    “Princess, this is the only home you will ever know from this point forward.” He heard her swallow, saw her throat move up and down from the act, and saw the slight tremble in her body.
    “Do you plan on hurting me? Will you rape me?” She started crying, and his dick punched forward. He was a sick, sadistic bastard for deriving pleasure from her clear pain, but he’d teach her that with pain came pleasure. The end result would be a coupling to rival all others, and one that could never be broken. Because for him, this female was his in any way he wanted.
    He didn’t move, didn’t try to hide his arousal from her, and when he saw her look at his crotch and her eyes widen, he was satisfied that she was clearly frightened by the sight. He was a big man…all over.
    His heart pounded faster at that one word, and in his mind he could picture her on her knees, her tears falling fast as she looked up at him and begged him to stop, but then would plead for him to continue.
    “Say it again.” His words came out as a low and harsh, and she took a step back.
    He took a step forward. “Say that word again.”
    The pulse at the base of her neck beat frantically, and she swallowed again. “ Please .”
    It took a lot of self-control on his part not to go to her, rip off her clothes, and fuck her right there on the stairs, but there would be plenty of time for that. He might be a bastard, but he wasn’t a savage. She needed to bathe and eat, and he was sure she was exhausted. Of course she would have a slew of questions, and he had answers, whether she liked them or not.
    *     *     *
    This man, whose name she didn’t even know, had led her up the spiraling staircase, down a short ornate hallway, and gestured for her to enter a room. Ruby had never been this frightened in her life, not even when one of her mother’s boyfriends had come into her room late one night and tried to touch her. After a swift kick to his balls she had vowed to never be a victim again. But clearly she had broken her own promise to herself at the first major disaster in her life. She shouldn’t have left, and should have just lived the life she had been dealt. Maybe she was being punished? She had never been an overly religious person, but she liked to believe in heaven and hell, and thought that with evil there was always good. Had she done something wrong? She had stolen some nail polish from a convenience store when she was thirteen because her mom refused to buy it for her. Maybe this was karma making its way around all these years later? Although she certainly wouldn’t have considered that a life-changing sin, maybe that was all it took for someone to learn their lesson.
    She stepped into the opulent room, and was struck by the beauty of it right away. The shades were a soft silvery color and light blue. The rest of the room was made up of lace accents and dainty furniture. The trip to get to this massive home had been long, and she couldn’t deny that she was happy to finally be on solid ground. She had no clue where she was, but she had seen the vast ocean below them from the jet, and knew wherever she was, it was far away from where she’d started. But they hadn’t landed at an airport, and there hadn’t been any kind of security asking them for legal documentation to get into the country. In fact, the plane had landed in a hanger, and then a car had brought them to this place just a few minutes away. But Ruby had been on alert to her surroundings, and to her utter disappointment she had only seen miles and miles of land as far as she could see.
    “You’ll clean up and

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