A Bar Tender Tale
about six,” Nathan told him. “Why was he in court?”
    “He’s a solicitor.”

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    “Oh, I see.” Nathan was relieved and impressed at the same time.
    “Is that your mate from the homeland?” Tazz asked.
    “Yeah, he’s friends with my brother. He played Dead Space with us the other week, remember?”
    “Auryn’s cool,” Jimmy nodded. “He likes his comics.”
    “So if he’s from the same place as you—” Tazz grinned at Gary. “—how come he’s nice and you’re such a mopey git?
    What happened?”
    Gary simply replied, “I moved here first and had to put up with you lot.”
    Nathan smiled then discreetly asked, “How long has he been here then?”
    “Oh, not long. A couple of months?” Gary frowned in thought. “We all left Denbigh at the same time, but when I came down here, he and my brother went to uni in London and ended up staying there.”
    “Is he straight?” Nathan tried to sound casual but all three faces snapped round to look at him. “ What? ” he squeaked. “It was just something Auryn said! I wondered if Gaz actually had agay mate. Apart from me, I mean.”
    “Ooh, er,” Tazz smiled. “I think someone fancies Auryn.”
    “No, I don’t,” Nathan denied, badly. “I was just curious.
    He’s straight anyway, right?”
    “Yeah,” Gary said, frowning again. “Well, I assume so.
    He’s never said otherwise.”
    “Oh.” Nathan felt deflated.

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    “Has he got a girlfriend?” Tazz took up the probing on Nathan’s behalf.
    “Don’t think so,” Gary said.
    Tazz grunted into his pint, then asked, “He’s not another miserable single like you, is he?”
    “I am not miserable!” Gary grumbled.
    “He didn’t seem miserable,” Nathan said. “We had a big nerd debate over zombies. Speaking of which,” he turned to Jimmy in an attempt to change the subject. “Have you heard Crossed is being made into a film?” Luckily this got the attention of both Jimmy and Tazz, and they started a new conversation about what the potential film would be like. As good as it was talking to the guys about zombie comics and films, Nathan couldn’t help but compare it to the energy that had sparked when he’d been talking to Auryn.
    Gary was still deep in thought as he leaned on his own bar. After a long pause he said, “You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Auryn with a girl….”
    The conversation stopped. Nathan’s hopes dared to rise again.
    Tazz smirked into his pint. “There ya go, Nath. You might be in with a chance after all.” Gary shrugged. “All you can do is ask, I suppose.”
    “I’m not interested,” Nathan denied again while the others smirked.
    “Yeah whatever, Nath.” Tazz finished his pint and jumped off his stool. “Come on, then, Jim lad. Let’s get these A Bar Tender Tale | Melanie Tushmore 46
    posters up. Oh Gaz, that Guinness tastes a bit off, just so you know.”
    “It’s probably due a line clean,” Gary looked dully interested. “I’ll do it tonight.”
    “Really?” Tazz perked up. “Can I drink the dregs?” Nathan and Jimmy exchanged a look. “Don’t be gross,” Jimmy told Tazz.
    “What? It’s free, right? Gaz, let me drink the dregs! I’ll come by later.”
    “It’s your body,” Gary shrugged. “I’ll save it for you.”
    “Get in!” Tazz said excitedly. “I’ll be back later. Nath, you around?”
    Nathan nodded. “Yeah, I’ll be here but I’m not joining in.”
    “Suit yourself! Laters, people.” Tazz waved as he grabbed his bag and skateboard then darted out of the pub.
    Like the eternal babysitter, Jimmy sighed and followed after him.
    Gary looked at Nathan pointedly. “Oh yes? Sticking around, are you? I wonder who that could be for.”
    “Well someone’s got to make fun of you, Gaz,” Nathan tried to tease.

    NATHAN did stick around. He only left the pub to order another curry, Gary’s treat. At least he had the chance to eat

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