fashion and we'd interview Criss Angel," I said excitedly. "And in every issue I could be on the cover-like Oprah, but wearing all black." "And Alexander, too," Becky added. "I bet every girl across the country would buy a copy." "But he couldn't be on the cover." "Why?" "Uh�" I almost blurted out the true reason, but I caught myself. "Because it's my magazine. Not his. He'll have to get his own. How about GQ. Gothic Quarterly" I said, covering my tracks. "Awesome! Now that we've decided on your career, we need to pick your outfit." We matched a few outfits together and voted on them until only one was left. A black mini lace dress, black tights with knee-high boots, and a lace bodice. "A marriage made in heaven-or in my case, hell." We both laughed. "Well, what do you think?" I asked. "Drop- dead gorgeous!" The first time I had a dinner date with Alexander I was nervous. Would he like me? Would he ask me out again? Would it end in a passionate kiss? This dinner would be different. I brushed my hair a thousand times and reapplied my makeup. Was I too pale or not pale enough? On this date I'd be judged by Alexander's parents. Would the Sterlings think I was a good fit for their son? I knew they had approved of Luna-but I wasn't Luna. I didn't come from Romania or have vampire blood or a vampire family. My whole relationship was riding on this one meal. I was getting ready when my mom poked her head into my room. "So, are you excited about your big night?" my mom asked. I tried to downplay its importance and hide the panic attack I was having. "Sure, it's no big deal." "Of course it is. You are going to meet your boyfriend's parents!" Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer ( "You are supposed to make me feel better-not worse!" I whined. "That's not what I meant. I meant it is exciting." I felt tears welling. Any minute my eyeliner was going to bleed down to my shoes. "No- it's a make-it-or-break-it night. I'm not like them." "Why do you have to be like them? You are you." My mom smiled. "The Sterlings have royal blood. Alexander's grandmother was a baroness. I'm sure they've dined with kings, queens, and noblemen. They live in mansions! They are from Romania. I'm from Dullsville." I plopped down on my bed. "Just relax." "How can I relax? You have no idea what it's like." "You don't think I do?" she asked, sitting down next to me. "Your father and I were both hippies, remember? Our parents were ultraconservative. When I first met Grandma Madison, I was in a tank top and cutoffs. I'm surprised she ever let me in her house again." "Really?" "It's normal to be nervous. Think of how Alexander feels. He wants you to like them, too," "You think he's anxious, too?" "Of course he is. He probably thinks his parents will embarrass him, just like you think we will." I felt relieved knowing that I wasn't carrying the entire burden of our meeting. "I'm sure as soon as the Sterlings meet you," my mom continued, "they'll love you like I do." "You have to love me; you're my mother," I rolled my eyes. "Let's see what you chose to wear." "Are you kidding? Becky and I already decided on it. I can't go back now." "I'm sure you chose something appropriate. I'll go downstairs until you're ready," I retouched, rebrushed, and fussed until my Edward Scissorhands clock flashed, "You're late!" I flew down the stairs to find my family hanging out in front of the TV. I modeled my outfit. "Shouldn't you wear something more.,. conservative?" my mother asked. "How about a pretty knit sweater?" I ignored my mother's remarks. "You look wonderful," my dad said. "I think she looks awesome," I heard Henry say to Billy Boy. "I think I'm going to hurl," my brother retorted. I hugged my parents exceptionally hard. I was going to be dining with adult vampires. Who knowsI might lever come back. A few minutes later our doorbell rang. I was too nervous to answer, so Billy Boy opened the door. "One moment," he said in
Justine Dare Justine Davis